Here are some fun and new events

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Ekul, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Ekul

    Ekul Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I'm going to finally give you a full out explanation of a lot of events that I like to play, and usually generate positive feedback. I had planned to do this ages ago but never got around to it, and whenever I tried to explain some to a GM we got distracted or the conversation had to be terminated due to other tasks needed to be attended to.

    This is purely a suggestion to make the event-going community enjoy the server a bit more. It may spark some other ideas in you staff for fun little things you can host. The goal of this thread is to just diversify the events being hosted so it isn't always Russian Roulette or Jump Quest.

    These events are in no particular order. Some are quick and some take ages. Some may already be hosted on this server, while others you may never have heard of and may never see hosted or talked about again.

    I'll try to give credit to the original creator as best I can, if you believe someone else to be just keep it to yourself, these are where I first saw them and most likely aren't the first. Some are just events that are formed through the real world such as Russian Roulette.

    As I said above, if you don't like the sound of an event or it seems impossible for this server, try to change it or modify it to your liking. Just add some more fun to those dang'd events!

    Before I begin, let me quick throw in headnotes (something you may do in serious note taking one day)

    Point System: Where you set a certain amount of points to win, couple be 5 points, 10 points, 384 points. So long as there is a clear goal in mind for the players. This system works with almost every event, as every event can be made into single round events. For example, the first event I explain could be turned into whoever makes it the farthest wins a point.

    Team System: Where you compete in the events normally but you can win as a team. You as a host may divide the people into teams of 2 or 4 or 8 or 16. The best is 6 or less, so they can be in a party together and communicate that way. This could work with the point system, as a team could gather points together to reach the goal. For example, in Name The Item, you could name them as a team.

    Team Event: Where you incorporate the team system, but make it so when a team wins an event they win a point. Works best with first to 3 points, otherwise they get really long and people get antsy. It is also fun to spawn them in funny little hats (perhaps NX or colored bandanas) to separate the teams.

    Escape The Wraith (ETW): ETW was originally made by a total f**kwad that literally no one liked. He was Dutch, which is unrelated to the first statement, but it may explain why he titled it Escape The Wraith instead of perhaps Escape The Wrath or something similar. It was originally hosted in the Orbis Station with unlimited flash jump, but I have modified it severely to my liking to fit the OX Quiz map, 109020001 (hey, I remembered this old code! :D)

    ETW has a simple concept and goal: get as close to the opposite side (aka wall) as you can in the time limit.

    For example: You start on the left side of the map, dead or stunned. The host puts up a timer for 7 seconds, you then go as far as you can before you get stunned again when the timer finishes.

    This event is easier in high rates because people are not afraid to die/lose exp, but I'm sure you guys could come up with other ways of hosting it so people don't die.

    ETW may currently be sounding extremely boring, as it is. This is where the fear of dying may come in. Now you have the option to mix it up a bit. Spawn some mobs that will knock them back or stun them. This will let some plays pass by and others get left behind. If you guys have Bob the snail which kills all it touches, that works as well! My favorites are super Jr. Neckis (the snakes) and super Tricksters (the spiders, sometimes called Trixters) and other super mobs.

    The person who trekked the least amount loses. You keep going until there is one winner.

    Minority Wins: Minority Wins was originally hosted by a guy (or girl) named Trik. I have seen a couple different ways of doing it, but the way Trik did it was best. I have modified it to fit the average server without doing additional coding though. This is also hosted on the OX Quiz, but any small map or map with a center point will do.

    How Trik did it: Put all the players in hide and gather them in the center of the map. Give them 10 seconds to pick a side (right or left). The side with less people, the minority, continues. You keep going like this until you have 2 people. With those two you can either split prize or come up with some other small challenge for them.

    How I did it: The exact same way except without the hide. It kind of ruins the feel, especially when it comes down to 3 people, because if you don't act quickly you pretty much lose.

    This event is highly entertaining and fast paced. I really enjoy it.

    Russian Roulette (RR): Russian Roulette is essentially a pure luck based game. You take a barrel with 1 bullet in it and shoot yourself in the head. If it draws a blank, well, you survive. If it is the bullet you lose the game.

    I was first introduced to RR by Valkyrja. She did it a very fun way, and currently my favorite way thus far. Since my first time seen it, coding has advanced and other methods of the simple game have been improved to make it fair and BORING.

    How Valkyrja did it: You get on that map in KPQ with the kittens. You have a timer and you just keep moving around and around in circles with the cats until the timer runs out. At this point you are stunned or killed. The GM/host was in hide, and running around the platforms as well. Once the timer stops they come out of hide and if you happen to be on their platform you lose.

    How it is best hosted so people don't cry cheater or biased: Host it in the KPQ map with the 6 barrels. Have a !random command that you can set to !random 6 and it will pick a number randomly between 1-6. If you are on that number you lose.

    I have no idea what the hell you guys host it on. It is some APQ map where the platforms are hard to navigate and have letters and shit on them. I personally despise the way you guys do it, but meh.

    True/False (T/F): T/F is as simple as it sounds. You are given a statement and you decide whether it is true or false. I find this best hosted in the OX Quiz map. The O = True and the X = False. The host will give a statement and you have say 10 seconds to decide on whether it is true or false. Usually it is best to keep the topic on one of the following:

    -Random: You could have a question about thermodynamic heat transfer or perhaps what color Pikachu is.

    -Specific: The questions would all be of the same topic, perhaps MapleStory, MapleRoyals, Pokemon, or other. I would make sure it is something most of the people would be knowledgeable with.

    NEVER MAKE THE STATEMENTS BASED OFF OF YOUR PERSONAL LIFE. No one thinks it is funny and it is incredibly f**king stupid. If you go in and make a statement like "I was laid when I was 16" no one will no and frankly no one gives a shit. Most people may just leave the event if you start to do this.

    ALWAYS HAVE YOUR QUESTIONS PREPARED BEFORE-HAND. Sometimes this event can be a bitch to host because of it, but if you have plenty of statements planned it makes it more fluid and everyone enjoys themselves much more.

    Name The Item (NTI): I don't recall when I first started seeing these events, but I believe it may have also been Trik who first introduced me to it. This map was originally hosted on 109070000 - Hidden Street - Minigame Challenge. The host would stand near the bottom with everyone else on the far right. The host would drop an item, and the first person to correctly name it exactly (for example, it would be red snail shell not red shell) would proceed to the next platform going up. There are like 5 platforms with numbers on them, so it makes it easy and is basically 5 points to win.

    There are a couple different ways people host this:

    -Point system

    -You gather a s**t ton of items. Perhaps 100 items. Just keep collecting. You then keep dropping and they keep naming until you run out. The person with the most points at the end wins.

    -Team system

    -Elimination: If you get an item name you continue and don't have to worry about naming. This works best with the team system, for it could be the first team to get all their members to have a point wins, or the last team remaining loses.

    There are many other ways of going about this, but you have to be creative!

    Tag: Oh how dreaded this fucking event is, but how fucking useful it can be. Everyone loves tag. How could you not? It has so many functions. Everyone has a fair chance. It can be team based, free for all, limited or expanded. It is very interactive. Everyone can move around, create alliances against someone. But once you come out on top as the last one remaining you feel amazing. You are a warrior. You have won. You are the best.

    Tag in MapleStory is much like freeze tag in real life, without the unfreezing bulls**t. Basically if you strike someone they die/stun and are out.

    Tag is something crazy to code, but if coded and tested correctly it can turn out pretty cool. It is known to have a lot of bugs and is generally unreliable, it doesn't work well with wizet edits and is a pain in general. Not to mention everyone loves it so it is the only event ever f**king hosted.

    This event Tom and I like to take credit for. We introduced it to the masses and take responsibility for the form it has taken in modern MapleStory. We found it one day while f**king about on a random server called DoodleStory (or was it DoodleMS, he would have to correct me on it.) We talked about it to our current admin (we were both on a staff team at the time) and told him Doodle had this great idea, but their version was complete s**t so we had to upgrade it. The man who actually coded the version on our server was AskHugo, and he did it very well.

    Tag is usually hosted as team-based tag or free for all. I personally hate it, and do not recommend making it for the server with those events in mind. If you are going to make it, keep it limited to use in other events.

    Tag is much more fun when incorporated into other forms or events.

    My favorite is getting the players into a tournament-type setting and having them fight to reach the top. It works best with teams of two.

    Alphabet Rumble (AR): I'm sorry, I absolutely cannot remember where this came from. I think the girl who made it was named Anne, but don't quote me on that.

    AR is very fun and fast paced, and people seem to like to show off their childhood of reading the dictionary. AR is basically where you get in a line and you take turns consecutively saying words that begin with the letter of the round. You go until someone either A. repeats a word B. says something that is not a word or not of the letter or C. goes out of order or skips someone's turn. This event is incredible and always seems to generate healthy competition and is fun.

    It is hard to host however, especially if you do not have good skills with English.

    General rules include that the words:
    -Must be English.
    -Must not be names.
    -Must not be conjunctions.
    -Must not be other forms of previously said words (run, ran, runs)
    -Must not be plurals (dog, dogs)
    -Must be found with an appropriate definition on

    Another rule is that you are disallowed to go out of order. If you have a word ready and accidentally press enter too early, you lose and the round begins again with a new letter.

    Once you reach the end of the line, just go back to the beginning of the line.

    I also recommend starting each round with the person who was next after a person who got out, so it does not always begin with the same person.


    Oh god this is just getting ridiculous. I don't think I'm going to add any more. I might leak some other ones some other time. This should be good for now. Enjoy!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  2. maggles

    maggles Donator

    Jun 5, 2013
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    local crag
  3. Raddy

    Raddy Donator

    Dec 26, 2013
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    Minority wins was so fun omg. I was gonna put that on my thread but some gms don't like putting players in hide for some reason.

    Great thread :D
  4. Annamaria

    Annamaria Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Thank you very much for your input, expect to see some of these introduced in the near future.

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