IGN: Hero Last thing you did: I was joking around with some guildies/friends before we went to zak. I was listening to 0-100 by Drake and smegaed the first verse of the song "0-100 nigg* real quick", I didn't know smegaing this would get me autobanned. I wasn't intending of using the word as a racial slur or anything like that. Simply just joking around with a friend. Why do you think you got banned?: Your account has been blocked for using profane language Ban message when attempting to log in: Your account has been blocked for using profane language. You can log in after Oct/ 8/2014 5:18am What GM banned you (optional): autoban
The T&C clearly state that words such as that one are not allowed to be broadcast on SMEGA. You will be banned until the date specified.