Hey everyone!!! I started playing royals about 2 1/2 weeks ago! Loving it so far Just recently started to become more active on the forums so I figured I'd post my introduction!! My name is Alex, IGN is Kalka. I'm 24 years old and a U.S. Army veteran. I played maple back in like 2006 when I was younger and tried to play the new GMS more recently (made a luminous and got him to 150+ in less than a week... wow that was way faster than i'm used to haha) but everything seems like it's pay to win on GMS now.... The cubes and all that are way too expensive for my taste... So I figured, why not try to find a private server that can help me re-live some of my older memories... So here I am!! I'm extremely helpful in-game and out. (Just gave a noob 2 sets of ilbi yesterday) So far enjoying my time here and hope to see you all in the royal world... If you see me, SAY HI!! I say hi back
Hi Kalka, nice to meet you. I also tried out GMS last year when Reboot was released, it's stupid how fast it goes and how little people speak to each other, so sad. Glad you found Royals though, it'll be everything you remember