It's pretty refreshing for me. I hate jump quests and the anniversary balloon pq got really boring after awhile. I think this was really well done. The currency incentivises everybody to put in effort and even if you lose, it's not completely demotivating. I would love to see a leaderboard from this too
It's great. I like how it's not all or nothing like balloon pq was so even if your team is getting crushed you can still do well individually. I don't like teammates that don't understand spreading out or that steal your eggs though.
It is fun but very taxing every hour to do in it in the long run. i wish it is every 4 hours and gets 4x more the eggs. That would be better
So for this poll is the option with the #1 the best or is it the option with the #5? As a warrior I think it would be better if all classes entered with the same weapon, either a melee weapon or a weapon like the xmas snowman mitten just so everyone is in the same ground.