I saw some comments that soloing a boss is not worth it efficiency-wise. Why not? Is the EXP not split evenly among the party members? So if you duo, isn't it twice as fast but half the EXP, which means it's the same efficiency in the end? Or does it work differently from this?
if you have more people in the pt and if you have HS then you will get more exp that way since HS counts for 150% EXP you get in per person in a pt. But if you dont factor in HS the EXP will be split based on how much dmg you did to the boss and the level on each character. If you do a boss solo with HS you will get base boss EXP + HS EXP Duo boss EXP = more exp split between 2 people more than what you will get if you solo. ... the more ppl in the pt the more exp distribution because of HS EXP multiplier but less exp per person the more ppl in PT but more overall EXP
Hmmm...since EXP is distributed based on damage done to the boss, what about in cases where one of the attacker dies just before the boss is killed? Does the EXP then get redistributed amongst the surviving attackers?