I'm a lvl50 going to be a dark knight. My accuracy is currently at 100. My dex is (15+9) , will sp reset into str. I haven't gotten my zhelm yet and i'm wondering how much accuracy do I need to keep grinding? i have a 10+ accuracy sad mask and the 8th ani earnings giving me 15+ accuracy. I plan on getting my zhelm soon, would scrolling it with dex be over kill? I want to max DPS and have a +11str cape already.
Yes, scroll the Zhelm with Dex, you cant scroll it with STR and the dex will increase your accuracy (1.8dex = 1 acc) Sad mask and anni earrings are good to have, anni earrings are the best acc earrings you can get I think you need about 175 acc to hit mostly everything in the game, aside from the CWK thief boss, (need 205, use basket) and a couple end game bosses (bga, auf) that DRK's can't really fight anyway due to zerk. Next thing i would work on after a zhelm would be Neos Equips at 100, and a HTP and a Dojo belt during 4th job. Afterwards switch to MoN at 140 as it gives even more ACC + ATT