Hi! A long time ago I made a "How to snowball event" and "How to cake boss". Today I bring you: How to five horrors 1: Do not read instructions Who even reads anymore? 2: Ask what is going on Ask things like "what is this about? What do we do? Do we need to wait 30 mins here?" Even if you already know what is going on. 3: Tell people to Alt + F4 Because old memes are fun. 4: Complain about how boring it is But keep joining the five horrors though. 5: Comment how the cat boss is a "pussy" 6: Comment how the last whipped cream boss is sexual and the whipped cream is something else entirely 7: Check map ownership and tell people to change channel if you are the owner 8: Ask how many hits it takes to qualify for a prize then don't attack the whole time. Bonus points for complaining about not getting a prize even though you "participated" 9: Spam firecrackers What other things do people do during Five horrors? Comment down below OwO
#7 is Tradition. It is your obligation to yell CCPLZ if you own the event map. we must please the gods
#8: Ask how many hits it takes to qualify for a prize then don't attack the whole time. Bonus points for complaining about not getting a prize even though you "participated".
I added both those things. There are certain people in Five horrors that frankly I wish didn't participate ^^