Make a bishop. Hunt for scrolls (I made a fortune off GFA, although they aren't worth nearly as much these days.) Gach. Sell AP resets.
Go to Wild Boars and collect Power Crystal Ores, Leather and sell the Maple Weapon drops. Power Crystal ore sell for 400k-500k if you have 100+ Leather sells for 50k Maple Weapons range from 50k-70k if you NPC them. Some that are godly can sell for a few million.
Go to the forest and kill boars. They grant 2 exp per kill. With enough dedication, you will be able to reach level 60, gain the Sword of a Thousand Truths, and win the game.
Make a ScrollPrices.txt to track scroll prices - you should have most prices after several days. Then start merching scrolls. Gach if you're lvl 50+ or AP resets otherwise. They go for 6-7m each. Sell fame for 0.5 - 1m each. If you make several chars, you could make 4m/ day. Sell candles - they go for 20-25k each. The event ends after 5 days. Hunt. I train at Coolie Zombies and they drop lots of items you can NPC for ~90k each. And there's the teeth that are 100 for 1m. Scroll items and sell them. Beg for mesarz in FM. Sell juicy bishop leech. Sell smegas for 0.5 - 1m each. Your strategy should depend on what you want to accomplish. If you're low level, you shouldn't care that much for godly items. If you're going to HP wash, don't stick to merching if it's slow, but make another lvl50 char and grind at Zombies for consistent cash flow until you can afford those AP resets and INT items. If you want quick cash, whisper me and I'll buy your scroll at ~50% of market value.