SC stands for Server Check Note This Article Is An Advanced Article. You may mess up your internet connection if you make a mistake. Use this article at your own risk. Note This is a TEMPORARY FIX Note Attempt this only after flushing your DNS cache This article may be incomplete, please help me complete it by reading foot notes and contributing. I had to run this morning when I wrote this, so it might not look pretty. I'll add some pictures eventually. Before beggining, please verify that your issue is indeed caused by being unable to resolve the HostName. To do this, please ping in your terminal or command prompt. If you get an error stating "cannot resolve Unknown host" in terminal, or an error* in command prompt such as host name unreachable*; this guide may help you temporarily resolve your problem. However, if you can access the MapleRoyals website from the computer you are experiencing issues on, there is a greater chance that this article will not help you. STEP 1: Enter this website: and enter into the search bar on the middle left of the screen just above the black "GO" button. Select "Network Lookup" in the radio circle options just above, and then click "GO". To the right, it will say is from United States (US) in region North America Input: The number I bolded number is your magic number. It may be different on your screen, but I need you to copy this number as it appears on the network-tools website. (Maybe save it onto a notepad document or something so you don't lose it while figuring out step 2) STEP 2: Spoiler: mac Add the following two lines to your hosts file as instructed in the above website on how to edit your hosts file (replace the words TheNumberYouCopied with the number you copied from the website): TheNumberYouCopied TheNumberYouCopied Please remember to undo adding these two lines to the hosts file after a week when the normal way of connecting is functioning, otherwise the next time the IP changes you will lose connection again, and maybe never be able to re-connect because you forgot you made a change to your hosts file with this article. Spoiler: windows Add the following two lines to your hosts file as instructed in the above website on how to edit your hosts file (replace the words TheNumberYouCopied with the number you copied from the website): TheNumberYouCopied TheNumberYouCopied Please remember to undo adding these two lines to the hosts file after a week when the normal way of connecting is functioning, otherwise the next time the IP changes you will lose connection again, and maybe never be able to re-connect because you forgot you made a change to your hosts file with this article. STEP 3: Make sure you have read the bold, and then Restart your computer and try to connect to the website again. (Usually in windows a restart is not required, and changes are reflected within 5 minutes or immediately if you're launching a new program. I'm just telling you to restart to be safe, but if you don't like restarting, wait 5 minutes.) (I don't know how this works on macs) * - Note 1, if someone knows the possible outputs of command prompt, could you help me identify the exact error someone would get if they were unable to resolve a hostname?
@Oldie ping: cannot resolve Unknown host This method works. Though you MUST remember to remove the host entry else the next time the MR IP changes, you'll get error as you keep pointing to that specific IP
Hey Shawn, just to be clear, this method allowed your computer to connect to the website only. The new game client is what let you connect to the game server. The hosts file configuration only affects your connection to the website.