
Discussion in 'Introductions and Farewells' started by Astrology, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Astrology

    Astrology Member

    Dec 5, 2013
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    Hello, My name is Chase. My in game names will be Meditation and Astrology.

    So hello everybody, I live in USA Texas, I'm a Heremetic Buddhist 19-almost-20-year-old that lives in a small town with my room-mates, I use to be a party holic but Then I quit all drugs, (And Milk, and Meat, As well as few other things) After I basically, well, found enlightenment, Or at least the path to to it. I meditate for a couple of hours everyday and Have notice drastic improvements on my life. So, I guess you could call me a monk haha :p But anyways, Enough about me, I would love to hear about you guys :) Also, If anyone would be intrested in learning how to meditate, how to become more aware of one-self and realize that you are individual being separate from the rest, I would be more then happy to guide you. It doesn't matter what religion you are, As every religion is REAL as they are all merely tools to achieve the accomplishment, Which is Enlightenment. I am also a pretty good expert with astrology and palmistry. I am welcome, to as my friends say, Trip you out if you give me your birthday as I am quite good with vedic astrology. I will describe your whole life, everything about you, and what your spiritual purpose is. If you really want me to trip you out, Give me your birthday and time of birth and I will describe how you look without seeing you. Promise. ;)

    Anyways, Write back to me for any reason whatsoever, I am always willing to help, and I would love to make some new friends :D

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