Hello all! I am currently HP washing based on a calculator's guide for bucc. According to the guide, from level 103 to 111, I need to allocate all 5 AP points to MP first, then reset them from MP to INT. However, I'm also instructed to allocate all 5 AP points to MP from levels 103 to 130. I don't understand how I can follow both instructions in the levels 103-111, as it seems all my AP would end up in INT, leaving none for MP. Also, following this guide, can I reach 20,000 HP by level 135? Thank you!
The guide is suggesting to use both of these steps to increase both your base int and total available MP through MP-washing. If you were follow these steps then at each level up (103-111), your 5 fresh AP would go into MP first, then use 5 APR to (-MP +INT.) Then levels 112-130, your fresh AP would go into MP (but wouldn't need to be washed back into INT.) You might have better results by tweaking a few variables. For example leaving base int until 135 would lower the cost a bit.