Hello fellow Royallers, I have a question about HP washing. I have read the HP washing guide posted by Pheelo and I am still left with confusion since this is a new thing for me. I have a level 44 archer with +45~int from int gear and +55~ int from base stats. Which leaves us with a total of 100 int for level up. I have added all my extra points into DEX and I am wondering if this was the wrong move. How should I HP wash? Should I first take my base int stats and put them into dex? Or should I take my base int stats, put them into HP, take one stat from my MP and put it into dex. If someone could answer this question for me I would highly appreciate it. Thankyou.
I haven't played an archer before, but Gossamer's HP Washing guide is very in-depth and tells you exactly what to do for each class. He advocates MP washing on archers but if you don't want to go such high base INT you can probably just hp wash according to his guidelines without first MP washing for extra MP. Link here: http://royals.ms/forum/threads/hp-washing-for-new-players.41129/