I have a few bishop friends who ask me how to HT as a bishop. So I thought I should post everything that came to mind here for everyone else to read. This is not a fancy guide, but it may still be useful! The best way to learn is by experience, but at least this way, bishops won't have to go HT the first time cold turkey. I welcome any questions or comments and any suggestions on how improve my own skills as a HT bishop. Happy HTing! ^^ Before HT Make sure you have enough HP to tank Dark Wyvern hits. To test this, go to "Leafre: Entrance to Dragon Nest," two maps to the left of skeles. Hit Dark Wyverns with basic attack and let them hit you with their magic attacks. If any attack ever hits you for more than your HP, you must use HP gear or gear with more magic defense until their maximum damage to you is less than your HP. General requirements are that you have max Res and Hero's Will. The average HT run will take 2 hours. Each prehead takes 15 minutes and the main body takes 1 hour and 30 minutes. When you HT, you cannot be on Mac client. If you have problems HTing on a Windows client, contact me and I can walk you through setting up a virtual machine that will allow you to HT without any issues. There's no need to relog or GFX in HT in my experience, but some people do. If you do relog, relog after being badged in. If you do GFX, GFX as preheads spawn, as preheads die, as HT's main body spawns, and after body parts die. GFX means "change graphics" and is done by typing esc, down, down, enter, left OR right (whichever makes your graphics setting bar move), and enter. Your priorities are not dying, not letting your party members die, and providing Holy Symbol, in that order. All other points are of lesser importance. Bring 3000 Ginger Ales, putting them on both HP and MP pet autopot with HP and MP autopot settings at max. Put Ginger Ales on a key in case you have to manually pot. Bring 50 Pet Food. Overfeed your pet before you go into HT and overfeed it periodically during HT. Put Holy Shield on a quickslot key (I use Shift) and have quickslot open to see the CD. Put MG on an easily spammable key (I use G). Put a second MG on a macro named ~bosshp with the name shouted when you cast it. Put this on a key you can type every so often (I use Q). Lower level warriors may need Bless to make up for their lower accuracy. Put this on a key if you don't usually use it. Door people to Moira. Do not use your Dragon Elixir until everyone is at Moira or have already talked to the guard. After speaking to the guard, make sure you are not party leader unless you have a badge. The party leader will "badge" you in so your party skips HTPQ. After badging in, make sure you are not party leader to avoid accidentally disbanding the party when you leave after casting Holy Symbol. Do not sign until told to sign. After signing, go to FM for echo. Make sure MG is on, pet pot is on, and pet loot is off before entering HT. Put mini map and party HP by your buffs to more easily see when you are dispelled. For head B dispels, make sure you have "Sounds" on to hear the sound of the dispel spell being cast. Copy "/leaveparty" so you can paste it and leave party quickly. Interacting with multiple inventory items (e.g. arrows) or whispering people may make your computer automatically copy the numbers or IGNs. Refrain from anything that may overwrite your "/leaveparty" copy. During HT Note the times when you use Res and Hero's Will. (Max Res CD is 30 minutes and Hero's Will CD is 10 minutes). When using Holy Symbol, ensure that everyone has HS by confirming that the HS icon was displayed above each character. As a general rule, if a DrKing is Zerking, don't use Heal unless it is necessary. Use Genesis to clear mobs. Try to kill them before attackers can hit them. However, prioritize keeping the sed mule alive. Only Genesis mobs when you are sure sed mule will not die. Do not attack body parts except to Genesis mobs so that attackers maximize their exp. Use Dispel when hit by status (seal, darkness, and weakness). Try to Dispel party members before they use an All Cure Potion. Watch for the Dispel icon to be displayed above each character. Use Holy Shield whenever it is off CD. Whenever you use Holy Shield, try to get as many party members as possible. If someone dies, ask the party "Res now?" before Ressing. If no one says to wait, ask the person who died "Ready for Res?" before Ressing. After confirming that they are ready, say "Ressing," and then Res. If the person who died needs HB, get the DrK to spam HB as you Res. When someone dies, they can remain in the map for 10 minutes before they are auto respawned. If Res is on CD for ten minutes or less, tell the dead person to stay in the map until you can res them. Keep Invincible and MW 20 up. Don't MW if you don't have MW 20. Bless is optional unless a warrior needs the accuracy. If sed mule leaves the map either by dcing or being respawned in town after their death, sed mule will change. In the first prehead, next seds will be third, fourth, fifth, and sixth to sign. In the second prehead, next seds will be second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth to sign. In main body, next seds will be second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth to enter main body. If sed mule died but is still in the map, they are still sed mule and no one will be sed as long as the dead sed mule remains in the map. For the preheads, stand in range of Genesising Wyverns. Follow the sed mule. Sed mule during the first prehead is the second to sign, sed mule during the second prehead is the first to sign, and sed mule during main body is the first to enter the main body map. During preheads, jump down instead of walking forward to follow sed. When the sed mule is sed, spam Heal. If the sed mule is a warrior with Power Guard, you can do other things like Dispel or Genesis as they're not in danger of dying due to 1/1. As you learn attack animations, you can do other things like Dispel or Genesis when the sed mule is sed. During preheads, you are able to spam Heal while a DrK is Zerking if you hug the wall. This keeps the DrK out of Heal range. Spam Heal when attackers jump into rocks during preheads' weapon cancel. Cast buffs during preheads when the super knockback attack is about to hit. Track ~bosshp regularly. Use Holy Symbol around 10% HP for each body part and leave the party when you think the attackers can kill the body part before Holy Symbol runs out. I leave party when preheads are at 5%, legs are at 10%, tail is at 15%, wings are at 5%, Head C is at 5%, Head A is at 5%, Head B is at 3%, and Right Hand is at 5%. Leave party for Head B at 3% even if the 9-0 dispel hasn't happened. If the sed mule is sed while you are not in the party because you left after HSing, go to them and spam heal. Accept party invite as soon as you are able and spam healing helps ensure their survival. Leave party again once the sed mule is no longer sed. Ideally, the party leader will invite you back immediately you leave. Don't accept the invite until the body part has died unless it's to heal the sed mule or reHS. You always enter the main body map last. General order of killing HT is legs, tail, ranged go Head A and melee go Head C, all go Head C when Head A is 55%, Head C, wings, Head A, Head B, Left Hand, and Right Hand. If you are level 200, echo in main body after FM echo ends. If you have max TL, TL after tail and after Head B. Re-echo after Head B 59-30 dispel and after Head B is dead. If TL is level 1, TL after tail and re-echo after Head B is dead. Stay left of legs and tail until they die. Spam jump as you see legs about to stomp to avoid being stunned. If sed mule is sed right into tail, they can live if they have 30k HP if you last second heal them. To do this, spam Heal as they walk right, teleport right to the middle of HT's body, use Heal until they are out of Heal range, and immediately teleport back to the left. Spam Heal during legs. Heal whenever people are hit during preheads and after legs are dead. If you have fallen and the sed mule is sed, jump heal and try to time it such that you jump heal when the sed mule is on the ground. Announce important body part percentages (Left Hand 65%, Right Hand 35%, Head A 55%). Left Hand will mass dispel below 60% and both Left and Right Hands will mass seduce below 30%. Dark Wyverns will spawn when both preheads and Head A and Head C are below 50%. When you see Dark Wyverns, spam MG. If you are comfortable with handling dispels, you may use Genesis. Dark Wyverns take 1591 magic to 1 hit, equivalent to the magic needed to 1 hit Petris. Head B will mass dispel at 59%-30%, 29%-10%, and 9%-0%. These three ranges are windows. Once a dispel occurs during these windows, note the time dispel hit. In the first window, dispel will happen again 5 minutes later if the HP is not in range of the second window. In the second window, dispel will happen again 3 minutes later if the HP is not in range of the third window. At main body, you can use the timer to keep track of CDs and repeat Head B dispels. Bishops new to HT should spam MG when at risk of being dispelled. This means spam MG when you see Dark Wyverns, during Head B window dispels, during Head B repeat dispels, and when Left Hand is below 60%. Once you are comfortable handling dispels, you can do other things like heal, dispel, and Genesis mobs. Stay away from rocks when in danger of dispel. Rocks may kill you if they hit you when you are dispelled. When sed mule is sed and you are in danger of being dispelled, spam MG and heal as the sed mule gets hit. As you get comfortable with handling dispels, spam Heal and MG as your are dispelled. If sed mule is not a warrior who has Power Guard, if hit by 1/1, they are at risk of dying. When hit by Left and Right Hands' mana burn attack that drains 3000 MP, your pet will not auto pot until you cast a skill. When hit by mana burn, use Dispel. Dispel has a short animation and little delay for using another skill. Using Dispel will make your pet pot back to full MP. Readjust character position when you are knockbacked during main body. Watch for the rock and Left Hand's mana burn attack when going up to the top left platform. Go up the rope after these to avoid being knockbacked. Save Hero's Will for an emergency. When you are mass sed while Left Hand is below 60%, you may be mass dispelled. If you are dispelled while sed, immediately use Hero's Will. Rocks will not kill you if you have MG and max HP and max MP. During Left Hand, stay on the rope and Holy Shield and Dispel as needed. The last HT body part does not give exp. Feel free to attack. And there's no need to Holy Symbol and leave party either. After HT HTPs and eggs are almost always free to squad members. Whoever does not need HTP or egg loots leaf (equivalent to 5k NX). Loot orders usually go by highest level. The egg is used to "egg" your HTP. After completing the quest to egg your HTP, your HTP will get +15 to all stats. However, you may only egg an HTP once per character. Most people keep relooting HTPs until they get one with godly stats. Stats on an HTP range from as low to 6 to as high as 13. Splits are paid to every squad member who survives to the end of HT. (Requirements for splits vary depending on squad leaders). Books will be sold by the squad leader or whoever else is designated. As books sell, the book seller will contact you to put your share in shop. To avoid taxes, buy arrows from a pot shop and put them in shop for 49,999 meso each. Tell the book seller your shop location and they will buy your arrows to pay you. The amount of your split is the price the book(s) sell at divided by the number of squad members. SS positions, test Yan Head B dispel theory.
Haha, it's more of a thoughtdump than a guide! But if you ever have the time to HT, it's quite fun and decent meso. If you ever want to go, contact me and I'll see if I can scrap up a squad for you! :3
Make sure to hire warriors that are not lazy* I found that one to be pretty important when I ht on my bishop.
HAHA TRUE! I never once died to Dark Wyverns, but it's stressful when they swarm you at the bottom and everyone is at Head B so NO ONE RESCUES YOU! XD
Just some questions if you don't mind answering. :O When you say preheads, are these the ht heads that pop out before actually fighting the whole ht?(Whole ht as in the 3 heads, the tail, the feet and the body) When you mention sign in, is that referring to going in the map? Or is there a separate npc you talk to, in order to sign in before your whole party gets teled to the map. Is this referring to the platforms where the main ht is located? (As I mention above, the main ht as in the 3 heads, the tail, the feet and the body) So once we leave the party before each body parts, do we get invited to another party or do we rejoin that same party once we do defeat a body part? It seems as if people take turns attacking when you mention this. Would that be the case? Or what exactly is the significance of rejoining and then leaving the party if the player isn't buffed with sed? I assume we are told when to go in the map once we enter the main ht? What exactly do you mean until they die? They as in just the head? Or the whole horntail itself? For this, would the bishops be on a different platform than everyone else? Do these rocks have a set location on where they fall? Or are they all random? Are we given a small warning time before they drop? For the main body, is there a set platform that we, bishops, are suppose to stay? Is the last body part usually the abdomen? Sorry about all these questions. :x Just wanted to make sure that I got everything. Great guide tho!
HT with us, Linda ): Also is this a typo? -I decided to read this for fun.. I don't even HT on my bishop .___. -
I love answering questions! XD Yes, preheads refer to the two heads that you fight in the two maps before the main body map. First Prehead Map (The Cave of Trial 1) Spoiler Second Prehead Map (The Cave of Trial 2) Spoiler Main Body Map (Horntail's Cave) Spoiler In The Cave of Trial 1, once someone enters the portal behind the head, all party members are moved to The Cave of Trial 2. However, people move on to Horntail's Cave individually when they go through the portal behind the second prehead. The entry order to the main body map is the sed mule order. So the person to enter the main body map first will be sed every so often, but if they leave the map, either by dcing or dying and respawning outside of the map, the second person who had entered the main body map will be sed mule. ^^ As a side note, the whole HT consists of the legs, tail, head A, head B, wings, head C, left hand, and right hand. Also, this order is the general order by which the attackers kill the body parts. When I say sign, this refers to talking to the NPC "Mark of the Squad" in the map "Entrance to Horned Tail's Cave." This is the map you will enter after you are badged in. Sign when you are told to sign and once the squad leader has verified that everyone has signed, they will start the fight and you will all enter The Cave of Trial 1. Spoiler You will spam Heal just in front of the rope that leads down from the platform in front of the preheads. In the first image, you will stand where you see the bishop using Genesis. Most HT runs consist of six people: Bishop, BM/MM, NL, NL, DrK/Hero, DrK/Hero. Therefore, you will rejoin that same party once you have defeated a body part. I'm not sure what you mean by "buffed" with sed, it's a status condition that makes them either jump, walk left, or walk right and they are unable to pot or use skills apart from Hero's Will that lets them escape sed. Everyone except bishops attack, but the sed mule may hang on the bottom rope during preheads or the bottom left rope during main body (until tail is dead). After the tail is dead, the sed mule will be attacking. The significance of rejoining and then leaving the party referred to when you would leave the party when a body part is about to die and you have made sure that everyone has Holy Symbol since bishops are not allowed to remain in the party and leech exp. If the sed mule is sed while you are waiting for the body part to die and be reinvited, the attackers will likely stop attacking, reinvite you so that the sed mule doesn't die, and once the sed mule is no longer sed, you leave the party again so the attackers can finish off the body part. You may be told, but it's really not necessary. Everyone will go to the main body map before you since bishops are always last, so just follow them once they've all gone on ahead of you. Until the legs die, stay left of the legs. Until the tail dies, stay left of the tail. Yes. Almost always, the sed mule will be either a hero or DrK. Ranged (NL/sair) and melee (hero/DrK) attackers attack different parts. You will be on the platform by left hand, right hand, and head A. You will fall quite often since HT has several knockback attacks, and in some cases, it is very difficult to get on the platform where the sed mule is if their sed is the jump type of sed. In this case, you may have to resort to the jump heal tactic to keep them alive. Rocks do have set locations where they fall. Rocks fall on the very left, very right, just above the rope to the top left platform, and on the right edge of the top right platform. Rocks that fall to the ground on the very left and the very right are what you should be concerned about, so don't hide in the corner when there's the chance of dispel hitting you. You are not given a warning, but they do fall at regular intervals. No, you will follow the sed mule, almost always either a hero or DrK. So you will stay on the ground until legs and tail die and then follow the sed mule to the platforms by left hand, right hand, and head A (the top left platform). The abdomen is not a body part. The usual order of body parts that die are legs, tail, head A, head B, wings, head C, left hand, and right hand. From this, the last body part is usually right hand. Don't apologize for asking questions! I'm so happy to help! ^^ And thank you!
WOW Alexi. I thought you were best bishop. After all, Saleh said he'd only ever go with you. But this... I can't believe this... You went down to IRMY's level. IRMY'S! ;~;
Oh man I figured sed=Sharp eyes! Thanks for clearing that up as well! That actually clears up alot of things for me then! x3
HAHA WHAT?! Ah, my bad, my bad! I'm just so used to calling the status condition of seduce "sed." Sorry! XD
Oh man Shiyui I kinda forgot that we needed the transformation potion in order to go so just wanted to let you know that I probably wont be able to go on the run you offered! x( Stupid me already used all the transformation pots before just for fun. x3 This is just in case I don't get back to you in game or log off in a couple hours! Thanks for the offer tho! Really ty!
I'm Akira! XD And whenever you get more Dragon Elixirs, let me know! You'll probably die the first few times you HT, so tag along whenever you're free to practice not dying!