Hello, i bought the HTP necklace service but after killing HT and talking to the girl NPC in the cage when i finshed the horntail quest. Here lies the problem I wouldn't get the quest from Kumo that is hero's mark even with pendant and egg. Is that a bug?? So i just went into the portal with an egg but once i stood in the middle and hit the egg like the guide says so however Nein Spirit Dragon didnt spawn and Dragon Stone didn't drop at all and time ran out so i couldn't get back in and it just took my egg. Is this a bug?? Could the GMs send me or give out the egg and fix the bug??? Replies would be appreciated
I hit it with normal attack. But the fundamental problem is the guide I read or saw on youtube had Kumo's quest Hero's Mark to be the first part of the quest but it wasn't available for me.
Try take screenshot of the quest not available at Kumo Putting this guide for reference if needed https://royals.ms/forum/threads/how-to-egg-your-horntail-pendant.152450/
Did you talk to the Raul the knight in Wyvern Cavern? I think that you need to talk to him as part of the quest first before you can egg the pendant.
He said he doesn't have egg anymore. Which means he entered the right map, and stood on the right spot. But either did not hit the egg to open it(1 hit), or did not talk to the npc. Then left the map, and cannot reenter because he doesnt have an egg anymore.