ALL Your Character Names:Moonartica,Starlightliz,gildanad Last thing you did: Why do you think you got banned?: I never use programs to play They say to use hacker or something similar if I've been playing for more than 3 years Ban message when attempting to log in: What GM banned you (optional):
Hello, The Staff is not on the Forums here 24/7, ready to answer any question or ban appeal that may come up. We have lives outside the game. Jobs and other priorities we take care of. To expect an answer to your appeal within a few hours is unreasonable. That being said, you have been banned for incentivizing the defamation of another player. This is against the game Terms and Conditions, as written here, in the Objectionable Behavior Clause: Persistent mass defamation will be considered three or more defames by an individual and may also include asking, paying, or otherwise incentivizing other players to defame another individual. Your ban will expire in 2 days and 17 hours from this post. Please take this time to go over the rules so this does not happen to you again.
I think he's referring to the player whose ign is safezone, he's my friend, what I said, I did it as a joke, he knows very well if you want, you can ask. thanks for answering now I feel calmer I think my attitude should be less impulsive ty
I just wanted to ask you if you could cut my sentence, please, it's the weekend and I would like to arrive at least 1 day before the exp event <33
A ban duration is not reduced for any reason, unless the ban was given out by mistake. You will have to wait out the duration.