Closed I got a ban because I did vote twice.

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by refael, Apr 10, 2020.

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  1. refael

    refael Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Hi, Admin, it is refael again.
    I want to tell you the truth. I got a ban yesterday and the first thing that came to my mind is to tell you that my brother did the VOTE ..

    It's not my brother, it's me. everything was a lie to release my ban.
    I started playing Maple Store because of the Coronavirus, and I probably did VOTE twice because I didn't read the rules and didn't know it wasn't allowed
    I just approved it!

    I'm sorry if I lied or underestimated you.
    I can't open a new player after spending more than a week on my player. I spend hours of hours!
    I didn't know the rules, I'm a human too!

    I learned my lesson, I ask you in every language of application to help me release my account. This game helps me during my boredom at home!
    Please admin, please!
    Nickname: tacticalops
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