Max Lightning + Ice or Max Lightning only? I see some ppl say Max Lightning and last max Slow and dont Max Ice but I dont know Slow is use ful or not for high lvl? Last time in Msea I max Lightning + Ice and nvr max Slow.
Maxing Lightning first is definitely the more efficient way to kill monsters, however Ice Bolt brings back some good memories... I love that skill.
Max Thunderbolt the first thing you do. Don't max Cold Beam, Slow is much more useful later on than Cold Beam.
Max lightning first, of course. Than, spend points in MP Eater, so you'll be able to rock GS2 in level 46-48. Since level 70, split all your points however you want, I recommend Meditation first, Cold Beam next, Teleport, just dont max Slow.
How about 4th job? ): What would be preferable to max partial resistance/elemental composition or seal?
Honestly it's up to preference whether you want Slow or Cold Beam. Slow you can use for some bosses (Pap is the most useful place imo) but doesn't make too much of a difference. If you plan on grinding at Gobies I'd suggest slow for sure as slow hits more than Ice Strike. And max resistance for sure! That's a must. You're rarely use either comp or seal though. In GMS I maxed Thunder Spear over comp simply because I enjoyed it more. The only places I can see seal being useful for are Crimson Guardians and Sharks. But you don't really need to go to either.