You can only vote ONE time per day. That is it. It does not matter if you have 1 account or 10 accounts. You may only vote on ONE account per 24 hours.
yes but i want 2 player. not only 1 player. i play fire mage is one account and i play bandit in one account. it is different account i know i only vote for fire mage 1 time everday. but bandit? 1 + 1 = 2?
You may play on as many accounts as you would like, however, you may only VOTE on ONE of the accounts each day. You may pick either the fire mage account, or the bandit account to vote on, but you may NOT vote on both of them (per day, you may switch your votes between them if that is what you desire, but it must be done at a bare minimum every 24 hours-no sooner). 1+0=1 ONE. Not two, not three, ONE. ONE vote each day.
thank you. i could vote 1 player 1 day. it is no problem now but everday i think 8,000 money in cash shop is too little. i can buy only 1, 2, 3 thing. please up voting amount more please give 800,000 for 1 each vote thank you. nice day all. i like this server
u just started today. other people have been living off 8k NX per day for the past few years. just live with it
Doesn't Royals have an auto-ban system for suggestions like this? Oh well, maybe it's good that it isn't implemented yet - I've said many ridiculous things too, after all...