你所有的角色名字:我忘了遊戲中角色的ID。我只記得我玩過什麼職業。 你做的最後一件事:哦,真的太久了。我可能正在逛市場或與怪物戰鬥。 為什麼你認為你被禁止了? 嘗試登入時禁止訊息:登入我的帳戶時,他要求我確認為什麼它受到保護? GM 禁止了你什麼(可選):我不知道
你是遇到什麽問題?這裏是申訴封號的地方,你是被封號了嗎? (What's the issue you have encountered? This place is meant for appealing bans, are you banned?)
I logged in to the account I used to play before, but was blocked when logging in. He said he might have been banned or blocked, but the appeal requires the name of the game character, but I have no memory.
I asked some game players and they said that this is the only way to unlock my game account restrictions, but I lost my ID.
Hello. I sent you a private message requesting additional information. Make sure you reply in the private message and not here as this is public.
Hello. Your character names were: TaeNyisReal TaeNyReal Yoonsic LEOwww You were permanently banned for hacking in 2017. Your ban will not be lifted. You are not allowed to play on this server again.
you cant play on your old ID they are too far gone, you can continue to play like you have on your characters: ErrorINT Bunnies22722 MinJiPham722 PowerNJ