i didnt log in for a long time i dont really remmember but ill try. All Your Character Names: I only remember rakbb Last thing you did: dont remmember Why do you think you got banned?: honestly i dont know Ban message when attempting to log in: THIS ID HAS BEEN DELTETED OR BLOCK FROM CONNECTION upon logging in What GM banned you (optional):dk
You were permanently banned for both your 3rd offence of mass defamation, and also major vote abuse. Your permanent ban will remain which means that you as a person can no longer play on this server.
What the hell is 3rd offence of mass defamation, wdym by vote abuse, i dont really get what ur saying give me a valid reason for which i was banned.
You were previosly banned twice for objectional behavior (mass defaming another player) in 2020. You were then banned for the 3rd time (permanent) in late 2020 for your third offence (permanent). Additionally, later in 2020, it was determined by our admins that you were vote abusing (major) which is also against our Game Terms and Conditions. Both are very valid reasons why you are permanently banned, and why you will remain permanently banned (your appeal is denied). See below directly from our Game Terms and Conditions: Objectionable Behavior - There are multiple scenarios in which harassment can be defined. Persistence and level of aggression are two major factors - constant harassment over a long period of time will likely qualify a player as having broken this rule, or alternatively a strongly objectionable statement or group of statements over a short period of time. Persistent mass defamation will be considered three or more defames by an individual and may also include asking, paying, or otherwise incentivizing other players to defame another individual. Be aware that the use of certain words, and any variation on them, will result in a ban, if they were uttered in a public space (defined as: all chat, megaphones, omok games, hired merchants, stores, chalkboards, etc.), regardless of whether or not they were used in a targeted manner. In private spaces (defined as: party chat, buddy chat, guild chat, alliance chat, spouse chat, whisper) these terms will be considered a bannable offence only if used in a targetted manner and the target files a report. Vote Abuse - The act of attempting to, or successfully, bypassing the restrictions of voting no more than once per day (UTC). Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per discretion of Staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense.