Sair case: 1. i wore deputy star with 100hp, 100mp and robe with 10mp, so my hp 4763 and mp 3179. 2. my ap stats right now: 3. i did 60 washes. 4. target 9k by 155lvl (which is questionable: is it necessary? they say it will affect ship's health) marksman: 1. some eq's added hp and mp, so my base hp 6225, mp 2923 2. my ap stats currently: 3. i did like... i forgot =.= more than 100 washes i think 4. same, targeted 9k hp before 155lvl i think somehow i messed up as Gossamer's thread said "it is better for to mp wash and got 200 int before lvl 60". based on my chars, any better suggestion to improve my hp washing efficiency? i am not too sure of how should i calculate the base int i should need to get 9k before 155, as well as how many washes will i need. can anyone help me to provide formula or calculate for me?? T_________T