All Your Character Names: dont remember Last thing you did: dont remember Why do you think you got banned?: attemptiong to log in to account with wrong info too many times Ban message when attempting to log in: id has been deleted or blocked from connection What GM banned you (optional): i dont know i havent played in a few years and like an idiot thought i could just remember my password but i entered it wrong too many times. After it gave me the id has been blocked message i went reset my password and pin but it still wont let me in. I was not banned the last time i logged off a few years ago and my other account i played back then i am able to get into. Did it ban me for entering my password wrong too many times or am i on a timeout i cant seem to find this info anywhere thank you.
Thanks for responding in DMs. I have located your accounts and will flag this for an admin to review. Please be patient.