Character Name: Defydeath Last thing you did: training at himes Why do you think you got banned?: my brother got banned and we are living in the same household? Ban message when attempting to log in: same as title What GM banned you (optional): no idea Training at himes perfectly fine. The next day the message popped up. My brother is not able to access his account for god knows what reason. Thus i am posting on his behalf.
Your brothers account and the IP address you both play on is banned 3 days because he was map looting. You may connect to another IP if you want to play or you can wait for the ban duration to end.
map looting?? I just asked my brother he said he did not loot anything except golden maple leaf LOL could you kindly explain further?
He was map looting at someones voodoo's map a while back and was told countless times to stop. unban date & time: 2020-07-13 13:26 server time