~Welcome to the official Imperial guild thread~ Imperial (created January 2015) is a fairly new guild that was formed first and foremost as a place to meet & make new friends. Our only requirements are that members stay active & friendly to enhance the mapling experience. - Respect the Terms & Conditions of the server. - Be respectful not only to guildmates, but to the whole community. - Do not beg, we already try to help out our members as much as we can as it is. - Do not create drama. - Stay active. If you would like to join Imperial, please fill out & submit the application below. Spoiler: Guild Application Name: Age: IGN: Level/Class: Country/Time zone: How long have you been playing Royals?: Previous guilds: Have you ever been banned or reported? If so, why?: Why would you like to join Imperial?: If you have any questions or inquiries about our guild, please contact one of the following: