I'm not sure what is causing this but me and my party tried the IMPQ for about an hour and a half and only managed to finish it four times. Each time we tried we would DC partway through. None of us could figure out what was causing it so I'm not sure if there was an easy fix we were missing. I haven't done it before the update either so I am not sure if this is a new issue. It would happen anywhere between when we started it and when we were almost finished. Super frustrating. We tried the PQ about seventeen times (give or take a few) before giving up. Background Info: We tried reforming, ccing, changing the leader. We made sure no one hit the boxes more than four times and that no one hit the same box. We all kept to our same rooms. Anywhoo, not sure if there is a known fix for this but I thought I would report it here just in case. Thanks!