Bossing Improve Dunas v2 for Melees?

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by xDarkomantis, Feb 10, 2023.

  1. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    I've been trying my hand at Dunas v2 recently between my Paladin, Hero, and Bucc in a duo with other people and this boss still feels terrible to do. Phase 1 is fine in my opinion but Phase 2 is aggravating and just makes it a Ranged >>>>> Melee boss than anything else.. My issues with the boss:

    [-] Dispels have a small range and are too frequent.. making it Hell mode for Melee
    - Dunas v2's dispels disproportionally affects Melee attackers as the range of the DP is close range and are so frequent that you spend a lot of time rebuffing compared to Ranged counterparts who will still have all their buffs and keeping up top DPS.

    Reduce the amount of dispels v2 does and extend the range of the DP so everyone is proportionally affected rather than the Melee attackers who are close.

    [-] v2's hitbox becomes very small when he Teleports / v2 doesn't have proper hitbox in Teleport animation
    - I'm not sure why but Dunas v2's hitbox seems to shrink by 50% or so whenever he does his Teleport animation/attack. So you tend to "miss" a lot on Dunas v2 (at least in my view as a 1H Warrior main) and have to overcommit as a Melee and reposition multiple times to hit him as he teleports and then getting back to him after he's done (GG if he does teleport multiple times in a row...). Couple this with the frequent dispels along with the debuffs and you're wondering why you decided to try the boss at all.

    Give Dunas v2 some proper hitboxes so that Melees aren't swinging at nothing and chasing v2 while Rangeds can effectively not need to move (or move nearly as much).

    [-] Imperial Guard mobs seem out of place
    - This might not seem as glaring to everyone else and it may even be more favorable to veterans in its current iteration.. but for me, I think the Imperial Guards seem out of place on the bottom floor. In Phase 2 of this boss fight, you want to have a mule (bishop or leftover Warrior character :insert sadpepe:) to lure them away onto whichever corner and then not ever interact with them (besides keeping aggro) unless they wonder off and you have to lure/push them back to the corner. The main contributing factor to why this method came about is because they'll respawn in the same spot if you attempt to kill them while fighting Dunas v2.

    I think it would make more sense if they didn't spawn at all bottom and was a mob summon of Dunas v2 at HP % akin to Ephenia. That way you're at least inclined to interact with these mobs instead of avoiding them and doesn't require as much setup as before.


    Thanks for reading :VLhappy:
    nut, whitemagejames, Icato and 5 others like this.
  2. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    As an alternative to reducing the dispell frequency, another option would make the no dispell platform larger and easier to get onto. Currently I'm taking off all gear that gives me speed and jump, and ideally getting hit with slow to get on it.

    I don't have my laptop or computer here to get on and send a pic of the platform right now, but it's part of the rubble on the right side. Works for pally, IDK about other melee classes (if not, extend V2s hitbox so they can hit from it)
    CreamGoddess and MaiAh like this.
  3. Icato

    Icato Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    I agree completely with that, there is a plataform that can hit BUT lose a lot of hits on it, also when the V2 uses the skill that teleport for few seconds and make u less acc, idk why but she keeps doing this skill around 3 times in a row, so cant atack for around 10sec+ as melee.
    I`ll update soon with some pics and videos

    And about the dispels when you are not in this plataform, its around each 20 seconds, which is annoying, and impossible to keep doing if you are melee
    MaiAh likes this.
  4. citizenlenny

    citizenlenny Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    Larry's Cave Hotel (that mine is his)
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    Honestly both Dunas's shouldn't teleport in the first place, seeing how obviously a bug it is.

    I understand that some glitches are kept in place/are low of the fix list due them having attained a specific recognition in the game (i.e. Bigfoot), but whereas Bigfoot could be seen as a novelty in that regard, Dunas (and especially v2) is just entirely obnoxious with it in place. His hit- and hurtboxes go so entirely haywire during the "teleport" in a way that no one can be reasonably assumed to consider or 'learn' as a proper mechanic of him and not just view as glitchy nonsense.

    I don't have a screenshot of it on hand (admittedly I don't fight dunas v2 very often in part due to the sentiment expressed in this thread), but here's a diagram of what I've had occur in a recent fight whenever he used his "teleport":
    In the middle is where Dunas's sprite originally stood, to the left is where his visible sprite & touch damage hurtbox "teleport" to and use his purple explosion attack + debuff, and to the right is where I'm led to believe his hitbox ends up (as illustrated by my attacker seemingly damaging thin air).

    Unless Nexon decided to go completely esoteric with the mechanics of this boss, this is clearly something going entirely wrong with the boss attempting to use this particular attack. While it doesn't make the boss broken or unplayable, it does add wholly unnecessary frustration to it by way of confusing players (especially new ones who seek to complete the questline) who suddenly find their attacks missing, unsure of where hurtboxes have gone (very unfortunate to have with a boss whose touch damage can kill most unwashed players!!), are trying to reposition themselves in an attempt to resume fighting the boss only for Dunas to snap back to the middle position and require the entire party to reorient itself again. Add to this that he can do this move multiple times in a row and as often as he likes, Imperial Guards are constantly getting on your ass (forcing ranged attackers into doing their basic attack more often than not), and Dunas' overall movement space (much, much larger than the v1 fight, where this same glitchy nonsense is much more manageable) making constantly repositioning yourself all the more difficult, and you get the comment I got from a party member which summed up my experience pretty well too: "This boss is ass".

    For the sake of both new players trying to reach Auf Haven and people who want to obtain Dunas' specific White Scroll Fragment (or just have a good time bossing in general), please fix this.

    I also agree with this idea, would make fighting the Imperial Guards much more engaging as doing so actually permanently contributes to the run.
  5. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Ah if you hit the right like 3 pixel section on pally, you can hit every time (except when dunas teleports, in which case facing left will then let you continue to hit, if you don't walk off). So an expansion would make it viable on paladin, not sure about other melees. I think blast has an abnormally large hitbox tbh.
    MaiAh likes this.
  6. Zancks

    Zancks Game Balancer

    Feb 10, 2020
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    During Von Leon implementation we sadly had to learn that we are not able to set cooldowns for attacks. A boss will always randomly do one of his attacks as long as a player in said attacks’ range. The dispel of Dunas v2 is a side affect of one of his attacks. We cannot make Dunas v2 do this attack less frequent really. An option we have is to turn this attack into a skill which means it won’t deal damage anymore but instead can be based on a cooldown or activate at specific boss hp %. Then Dunas v2 would only spam his other attack though.
    We’ve discussed that, voted on it and decided against it because it would make the boss fight much easier and lowkey boring. Yes massive dispel are annoying we agree on that, but currently this boss has a need for both - melee for crowd control while still dealing some damage and ranged for pure damage. If the dispel was changed everyone can sleep on this boss and would have a much easier time soloing it - nothing we want to promote. It’s kind of normal for an MMORPG that some classes excel in certain aspects of the game.

    We would consider to make the current dispelling attack dodge-able but aren’t quite sure on how to regarding the animations we have available.

    Regarding the teleport attack we compared our files with GMS/EMS files and realized the animation on our files was broken. This lead to our animation not fitting to the hitbox. Dunas v2 and Dunas weren’t meant to do this dash/teleport. We’ve fixed these animations and would like to hear players thoughts on this fix.

    We’ve also discussed to change the mob spawns but saw no need to. The current system gives you the option to either kill them or hold them just like in Shao for example.

    Thanks for your feedback!
  7. Loyev

    Loyev Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2021
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    Honestly I don’t know why you are all complaining it’s just sound like this boss doesn’t suit you’re class and it annoyed you all so you decide to change it. Royals is a private server therefor I believe there should be adjustments however I fill like this changes are made to make bossing easier and more suitable to just spam the same button. For me as a main sair I think this game should have some elements of actual gameplay skills like dodging and learning boss mechanics. For me this boss used to be relatively easy as a sair since I used to dodge I could just jump back and forth when it teleported now I just can’t rly hit it when it casts the attack and my dps drops by half. Now you can claim that range classes won’t be affected that much but darkness curse also drops dps and taking hits breaks stairs ship way to fast and I can’t reach it using rapid fire moreover there is no range class but sair with se that can pin v2 therefor melee is kinda necessary in first place. Just to compare I used to solo v2 in 20-25 min and after the change it took me almost double ! I think Sylfia’s solution to make the platform more accessible is way better than changing the boss mechanics, some bosses will Suit certain classes better than others there’s nothing we can do about it, the same way sair is terrible at toad or auf main or ht or any other boss that spam attacks it also has its advantages. I think dunas should be brought back to the original form and make some adjustment in the map.
    Ps. Making neo Tokyo easier will also drop their values as the rare drops and ws frags will be much more farmed. Just another point to consider
    Sherrrry and Relievz like this.
  8. Nyna

    Nyna Donator

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Just smega "R> V2 Frag taken Nx avail."
    yasir, Damien., Zancks and 5 others like this.
  9. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    If you're unable to set cooldown for attacks then it's unfortunate. Probably just save the resources for a future boss or other bosses.

    Okay, I figured it'd be more interesting but I guess it's okay to keep how it is.

    My guildies came to me to report this change and I got to try it out myself. Complete game changer for me as a primarily melee player. I no longer have to clench and drown myself in heavy music to endure doing this boss anymore. I've ran this boss solo, duo, trio with guildies/buddies and this boss was always so frustrating with the teleport and going off the map consecutively followed by dispel. Thank you for this change.
    Damien., Zancks and Sylafia like this.
  10. Loyev

    Loyev Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2021
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    hi i wanna mention something ive notice during the change.
    before the change melee classes straggled against dunas due to the teleporting attack it caused them miss a big part of their hits and therefore losing major dps.
    after the change the situation became the same for ranged attackers as it used to be for melee. now when dunas do this attack it seems like he is teleporting although it might not look like it does, every time it starts the animation i suddenly cant reach it and therefor i cant land attacks on it. moreover dunas range is changing meaning he can attack me while i suddenly cant attack him. ive added some photos to show i suddenly cant hit even though we both located at the exact same spots. i realy thing if you wanna change dunas in order to make it more accessible to melee it shouldn't affect range attackers in the exact opposite way.
    it occurs in both v1 and v2 although i too screen shots only at v1
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    Last edited: Sep 19, 2024
  11. Loyev

    Loyev Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2021
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    any updates?
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2024

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