Hi, just a while I was discussing with guild members about the changes to the voting schedule and it came to mind. If it is possible, I'd like to suggest adding a ingame function to update us whenever we enter the command~vote. It would show us how much time is left before we can vote again. Exactly like the website. Why? This 12 hour change in voting will drastically change peoples voting routine and this function will serve as a reminder rather than going through the tedious process of entering everything online every time This suggestion is just something minor so ehh, feel free to say anything I'd like to hear your inputs too!
I just write down what time I voted on, and keep an eye on the clock.. Before it was changed to be 12 hours, I voted at 4:30 p.m for both. Now, since i won't be awake at 4:30 a.m, I'm going to just forgo voting for half a day and get myself on a time around noon or so instead. It's not too hard to keep track of it if you just make sure to do it at a memorable time.
I'm just really hoping that GTop100 will change their voting back to every 24 hours at the end of the month.