Closed Incinerated's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by davidleonard, Nov 15, 2020.

  1. davidleonard

    davidleonard Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2020
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    ALL Your Character Names: Discernible, Incinerated, Eviscerated, Exonerated, DavidsCrash1, Davidscrash2, Davidscrash3, DavidsMage1, DavidsMage2, DavidsBish1
    Last thing you did: Prepare to give new players free Zhelms at reset
    Why do you think you got banned?: Scrolled one too many godly items
    Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection
    What GM banned you (optional): Probably TimK

    Needed a few days to clear my head before standing trial- let's do this!
  2. June

    June Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2019
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    Hi, thanks for your patience. We've investigated your characters; would you like to explain how you've achieved the following since joining in June 2020?

    12k HP nl
    29k HP hero
    25k HP shad
    145 kanzir
    43 khanjar
    59 attack gear (23 glove/17 cape/19 shoe)
    +14 auf helmet
    no forum purchase history
  3. davidleonard

    davidleonard Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2020
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    Thanks for replying June- I sent everything to Tim via PM already, but I'm gonna do my best to recap everything here again. I started with just a Hero, and warriors are cheap- easy to wash, fun to play as a first class, etc. From when I started playing to Nov 9 (ban date), I've gone through 2 double NX events, one of which was during like the first 2 weeks I started playing.

    From May 26 to June 30 (month 1 and 4 days), that right there was 34 * 8 + 15 * 8 (double NX) votes. I started out playing this game with a group of friends, and I was responsible for selling scrolls during double nx votes. Every few days during 2x NX we'd go gach, and they'd give me everything to sell. Unfortunately, after the event, a big chunk of those friends stopped playing and they ended up letting me keep everything. The loot was something like Chaos Scrolls in the 20's, a few PGC's, and hundreds of Shrine scrolls. Friend IGN's were sent in a PM to Tim. From the moment I started playing my first character (Hero, Discernible), my goal was to finish a Stonetooth. I put everything into that- all my bigfoot NX gach meso, the above mentioned meso, everything. On July 26 (I think that was the date), I finished a 110 Stonetooth. The reason why it wasn't a 111 was because I simply couldn't afford it at the time. Before my Stonetooth was finished, I didn't spend any money on anything else. You can see from my chat logs that I frequently bring this up when new players ask me how to go about getting better gear.

    From May 26 to July 26, I:

    1) farmed Bigfoots primarily for exp- it's the best HP-EXP ratio boss in the game, and it's super super easy for Heros to kill. I was givin out free bigfoot toes and collecting nx from the bosses
    2) did Papalatus every day (which I still do on 3 characters every day despite being 200 and having quit my Hero and Night Lord)
    3) cake bossed religiously after getting Treasure Map really early on (during anniversary). It was something like 5 times per day on 5 chaRacters (Exonerated, DavidsCrash1, Eviscerated, Incinerated, Discernible).
    The exp was actually pretty impressive for low level characters (in their 30's).
    4) Horntailed whenever I could. My first runs were with pros who were kind enough to teach me and let me SED (they even gave me nx cards): Donn1e, Lee1, Palatopelma, CallMeT, nyancatfmeow. God knows a level 155 Hero with no gear isn't gonna get to HT ever without the kindness of higher level players. I'll always be grateful for the pro's I met at Focus. Later, I became close friends with a squad of players Kloxz, Freian, GaijinSlash, and we were doing unconventional "Shadower" HT runs twice a day to rake in big book money.
    5) Zakked 2x a day. NX cards are a huge way to make money for early level players, and I was zakking religiously from July to October- I was doing 6 runs a day at my peak playing this game.
    6) Farmed Balanced Furies- I didn't do this consistently in July, but because of the 1.2x drop, I thought one day that it would be a good idea to farm up a whole bunch of Typhon Feathers in preparation for my Night Lord. I farmed something like 1,000 in a single day. My close friends BootyHoe and Jowey helped me for hours farming them that day- I'm sure there are chat logs of me caps locking the fuck out of my buddy chat over how painful that experience was. Never doing that again. I ended up selling all of the feathers via megaphone for furies service, and I was able to craft a good number of them too because I CWKPQ'd pretty regularly
    7) played absolutely insane hours. There was a 2 week stretch I think in June where me and my friends were sleeping maybe 3-5 hours a day- I was on until like 1PM in the afternoon, slept till right before reset (which was 5PM PST at the time), and continued that whole process again.
    8) Chair Gachapon- I stopped after the third day, but I got a Mini Shinsoo Chair, a Rainy Fox Chair, and 2 other pretty decent ones that I ended up selling for White Scrolls. My close friend (IGN can be provided via PM) also gave me 2b coins and a Mini Shinsoo chair on July 15 (I have a discord log with him for the date he offered to give them to me).

    This is the amount of NX (approximately, scaled down conservatively as well) I would have made from May to July (pulled straight from my conversation with TimK):

    NX: 648,000 NX from voting (unless I did my math wrong: 5 days of May, 15 days of June, 15 * 2 (double nx) days of June, 31 days of July) * 8
    200,000+ NX from bigfoots
    200,000+ NX from papalatus (56 days * 2 tries divided by 4 (1 in 3 chance to get a 5k) * 5000 = 186,666 + the 250/100 nx cards)
    310,000+ NX from Zakum (31 days of dropping Eyes of Fire, which I either bought or manually farmed from JQ)
    Total: 1,348,000 nx

    That's a solid 400 APR's. A good chunk of that did go to Gachapon, but I also turned a major profit from Gachapon simply because my friends were giving me all of their gached scrolls (I admitted this to Tim when he first came to visit me in Krex, and he said that there was nothing wrong with friends giving me stuff). I can provide a list of my friends' IGN's to you via PM if you'd like (already sent to Tim). They have been consistently gaching for me from the moment they quit up until mid October, and I've also received roughly 100 APR's from them.

    Given the number of sheer hours I put into this game and the amount of help I've had during a HIGHLY lucrative event, his should undoubtedly be enough to finish a single Stonetooth to 145 (Please keep in mind WS back then were 440-500m).

    Before I started doing HT, I thought about making an unkillable Shadower just for jokes, but after I realized how great a SED class they were for HT, I was sold and determined to make a character who would give me access to 2 more HT runs every day. I bought a 108 attack Dragon Kreda off of Sinfulness for something like 600m. I don't remember the specific date I started playing Incinerated (hopefully you can give me the character creation date). I do know however that at lv 70, I started Big Foot bombing (which is again why I absolutely LOVE Big Foot). Again, I was raking in big NX. I went from lv 70 to 102 in like half a day from killing bigfoots (it takes like 10 minutes to kill one), and I know the Twisted Paths routes (far right, far left, 2nd right, 2nd right, middle- I even teach this regularly to mid level players who need help finding bigfoots) like the back of my hand. Soon enough, I was on my way to 4x HT for all of August and September.

    On July 31, I decided to Chaos Scroll my PGC after the guild leader of FilthyCasuals (forgot his IGN, but he was the one with the super rude ban appeal) bought the last of my balanced fury service for Chaos Scrolls (he gave me 3 CS for 2, and he did that like 4 times I think). I made a 16 ATT PGC out of it, and I was pretty frantic- it went straight up into forums and I ended up selling it to my friend SiveNL for a 13 WA cape and 10.5b. I then used that 10.5b and my anniversary scrolls to finish a 15 SCG and get myself a pair of 13 FS. Somewhere during this time, I landed 2 30%'s on my Dragon Kreda, and I was in discord with a close friend when I said that I'd try more 30's on my Kreda with WS. If they don't boom, I'll quit my Hero eventually and main my Shadower. You can guess how that went. August was probably my worst look IRL- I became unemployed and couldn't find a new job, got hella upset and depressed over that, and just started playing even more Maple. Anyone who knew me even a tad bit knew how much I was playing. In a single day I was doing 6 papalatus (which I still do), 6 Zakums, and 4 Horntail runs. There's a reason I have DavidsCrash1, 2, and 3- I was planning on getting my NL to be able to HT too since I was getting at least 1 mw20 a day. Friends, guildies, and other eye witnesses to my smegas will remember that my highest streak of MW20's in a row was 9 runs- and that happened in the span of 2 days. This isn't even accounting for Chaos Scrolls, GEN20 (from zak), GEN30, TT30. I daresay that I'd gotten ~50 GEN20's from Zak all before September (merchant sale logs will give a closer look at the actual answer. I didn't sell every single GEN20 book for my parties, but I probably did at least half the selling).

    In August, I:

    1) did 4x HT for book drops (TT was even 700m at the time, GEN30 ~1.4b and dropping hard). I was part of the new Shadower team that helped pioneer the double arm HT clear method, which significantly decreased the amount of time it took a team of semi-funded characters to clear HT.
    2) 6x pap
    3) 6x zakum
    4) sold a 8/5 Blackfist Cloak from shygorl who quit (one of the close friends who gach for me regularly)
    5) made a 12/4 BFC (courtesy of Lovelyzz's 7/5 cape which I paid 2b for) and sold to XxPlasixX
    6) was still getting scrolls from my close friends. shygorl also gave me 100 APR's during this month.
    7) received 8 Crystal Ilbis and 3 Balanced Furies from shygorl.
    8) bought a 22/7 Dragon Khanjar

    I remember hating myself and being really angry during this part of my maple career. I got in a lot of fights online on Discord because I wasn't getting enough sleep, and I was lashing out at friends- to those friends, I sincerely apologize. You didn't deserve to live in my hell.

    For the month of August alone, I was able to make:
    NX: 31 * 8,000 = 248,000 (voting)
    31 * 2 (characters) * 2 (times a day) / 3 (1 in 3 chance) * 5000 = ~206,600 (+ 100/250 cards = 230,000) (Papalatus)
    31 * 2 (characters) * 2 (times a day) * 5000 = 620,000 (Zakum)
    31 (days) * 2 characters * 2 (times a day) * 5000 = ~575,000 (Horntail)

    My Night lord started doing paps and zaks around mid-late august, so there's about 10 days of zaks and paps not accounted for in this math.
    Total: 1,673,000 NX

    This^ NX I can confidently tell you completely went to APR's. I needed them like no tomorrow, and I was also stockpiling meso. However, I did end up buying something like 500 APR's. Please note that I did not spend any meso on anything other than TP rocks and megaphones. This primarily went to my Night Lord after my Shadower was finished with its int and MP washing. I sent a screenshot to Tim dated August 21 (the date of a trade) showing that my Shadower's HP was 11,683 at the time. All of it went to completing my Night Lord.

    Around Early September I was starting to lose it from the amount of maple I was playing, so I promised myself I'd just choose one character to play and stick to him. So I quit my 195 Hero and sold his Stonetooth to finish my Shadower's gear. My Shadower's Dragon Khanjar only took me 28 WS, and my +5 Kreda took 8 to finish.

    From September to now, all I've been doing is yolo scrolling to enhance my remaining equips and gaching to finish my Auf Haven Helmet. I'm gonna end this post here so that you may feel free to fact check any of this. I will add a disclaimer now that there may be some points that I've missed while writing this- my memory isn't what it once was thanks to sitting in a room during quarantine for 6 months playing only Maple, and I hope you'll forgive me for that.

    Edit: I would also like to point out that it was clarified earlier by Tim that My account creation date was in late May!
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
  4. davidleonard

    davidleonard Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2020
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    From September to Nov 9, there was another 15 day 2x nx event. That alone accounts for 680,000 NX. I want to make it clear now that in all honesty, Shadowers are a pretty broken class. After I decided to main Shadower, I realized that with a set of completely finished gear, I could solo every single boss available on the server, and I have (spare Horntail). I started off in early September doing Auf Havens with Silvers and Zeliek (you guys actually all popped in for their lv 200 party at our trio Auf), and that was probably my last non-solo Auf Haven run. Auf at first took me about 3 hours (4 Energizers, ~1.8 per boss + some left over for first body of auf + 5-6 apples) to clear. I've since shaved off that time to 2 hours if I apple all the way with 2 Echo's. Many friends have helped me sign every day, but it was primarily Zomgturkey and Palatopelma, Kloxz, and GaijinSlash helping me sign on the daily (along with Dunas v1). In a single Auf Haven run I could get 3-4 NX cards, shield MATK 60%, Assassinate 30, Chaos Scrolls (the most I'd ever gotten in 1 run was 2), and Element Pierce Earrings (I've gotten 4). If you check my forum history, this was the period where I started Chaosing like no tomorrow simply because I was able to save up a really good number of them from item trades and boss drops. I also started Ulu Farming and shortly after started offering free ulu1 leech to new players who were struggling to level up due to the lack of PQ's available to players at that level. Friends who know me will know that I have a tendency to "troll" now in HT because I'll also be Ulu farming during runs, which has ticked off some people, but come on- I'm an unkillable Shadower. Might as well make some money on the side by holding the same attack button right? It's hard to estimate how much ulu farming has made me, but at my peak, both my mages had close to 1b in their inventory each even though my shad was primarily picking up the items.

    From September to November, I:

    1) Started daily Auf solos (~sept 15). Being conservative, that's 15k NX per run.
    2) kept up with my 6x pap runs starting mid October
    3) started gaching at NLC. I'm not sure how many people know this, but the WS drop rate from NLC is significantly higher than the CS drop rate at Mushroom Shrine. I was getting basically 1 per day from 60 tickets. The most I'd ever gotten was 3 in a single day, the longest dry streak I believe was 5 days. This accounts for ~68 white scrolls, 50 if you want to be really conservative, which I also do not mind.
    4) Scrolled an insane number 10/4 SCG's (I think the count is 8, I'm not entirely sure)
    5) got 11 Taru totems and 9 Octopus Erasers from close friends after I asked them to stop shrine gaching and do Nautilus Harbor instead (during 2x event).
    6) still did 2x HT and 2x zakum- the grind hasn't stopped since I hit 200. I can proudly say that I still haven't missed a single day, and my logs can prove that. You can also check to see how many new players post on my "Free Zakum Helmets" post, and how many people whisper me every day!
    7) Ulu farmed whenever I had the free time, giving free leech to new players during.
    8) started scrolling FS & BFC's. All of this money was either saved in Bcoins that were spent in upgrading my gear (bought 19 PGC from Raony), traded my 14/1 FS (self made) for 15's, or spent on my Auf Haven Helmet.
    9) Made some pretty great Ring of Alchemists- 4/1/5/5, 5/1/0/6, 0/6/0/6, 2/4/5/5, 3/6/2/4 (I think?) etc. I've had some badly scrolled ones and failed ones, but the profit margin has been huge ever since RoA's tanked to 1b each.
    10) Sold my beautiful and unique Dragon Kreda (143 att) to someone on forums for 30b. I later bought DiviBlack's Dragon Kanzir (+2) for 15b, and finished all 5 slots with the remaining money (I don't remember how much was left over, but it was something like 18 WS after liquidating almost all my assets). I also made a 130 Dragon Kanzir and a 131 Dragon Kanzir while trying to craft a perfect 110. I ended up profiting like 3b from that, which I did not expect.
    11) Traded 19 PGC + 15 FS for 19 FS after I made a 17 BFC thanks to Daynaa!! <- on this night (the night right before I got banned) I made a 0/6/0/6 RoA, a 10/4 SCG, this cape, and landed 2 scrolls on my Auf Haven Helmet. My net worth instantly shot up like 50b, so please keep that in mind. Most of the above endeavors^ only had me inching out progress by about 1 slot on my Auf Haven helmet.
    12) Made a crazy 23 SCG that the whole server saw- it was 15/2, and someone told me I had no balls after I failed my Auf Haven run for the day. I was tilted and decided to yolo it. This 45b item cost me ~6b to make.

    This part might seem a bit ambiguous compared to the previous, and I must apologize- I was scrolling like a madman, and I just honestly don't remember all the details. As such, I do ask that you refer to my many forum posts and item megaphones in my chat history. I want to not that I myself also personally do not believe how quickly I was able to get my helmet to +14, so I have some screenshots (not all unfortunately, Discord mishap) here to show everyone:

    These are basically 1 hit wonders, and I honestly don't know what else to tell you other than I got lucky. If I can make a +7 Dragon Khanjar in 28 scrolls, surely I can do this with my helmet.



    It's actually +14 now, and it was 3/3/4/7 clean. Crazy, right? It's just been like this the whole way through. I have a strong feeling that some items in this game are just "marked" somehow so that scrolls pass super easily, but that's just my guess. If anyone has doubts as to how lucky I can be, I want to remind you all that this was my third helmet ever on my second run ever.

    This is my explanation for the above mentioned items you've asked about. I want to thank you June and all the GM's for taking the time to look into my account. It's definitely not easy going through logs for a player who was as obsessed with this game as I am. I know I've only been on this server for 6 months, but if you just look at the number of hours I've played in 6 months, this is what some people can put in 1-2 years under normal circumstances. I was unemployed and in a bad spot IRL during quarantine, and Maple was my escape. To be completely honest, I'm rather disappointed in the community for wanting to see me lynched because I got lucky. I poured my heart and soul into this game- I've tried to make it better for new players, and so many of my friends have followed by my footsteps in making the community a more noob-friendly place. I wanted to push the ball forward and challenge our game creators to bring new content (Pink Bean PLEASE) so that long time players may feel the joy I do every day playing this game. I gave you my all, and in return, you sneer at me behind my back. It truly upsets me, and I can only now hope that the GM's will make things right. This is my ban appeal, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. I do hope that the details I've provided, the sheer number of hours I've played this game in a span of 6 months, and my forum posts and item merchant sales logs will exonerate me. Thank you all for reading.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
  5. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    your explanation doesn't match up with our logs and you're also ban evading. Needless to say your appeal has been denied and you will remain permanently banned.
  6. davidleonard

    davidleonard Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2020
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    Gonna be honest, I'm really disappointed with you Tim. I've waited for 15 days for a clear response after writing you over 10,000 words with precise, conservatively calculated numbers, and the best you can give me is "doesn't match up with our logs and ban evading." I guess it's convenient to believe what you want believe to instead of putting in effort to see reason. There's obviously no way I can disprove any of this since you A) refuse to not even show logs but refuse to even point out what isn't matching up and B) choose to believe what some random person who probably doesn't know me at all and wants to see me gone happened to show you what you wanted to see. Maybe take a look at badly photoshopped "evidence" every once in a while and ask yourself if maybe what you're seeing is "too good to be true."

    To my friends I've made along the journey, I want to say thank you for an amazing 6 months in quarantine. I'll always cherish you, and I'll be keeping in touch with most of you one way or another. I truly loved this server, and I hope you guys saw that from the way I played. Please continue to give a helping hand to new players, and help share your love of a childhood game with other people so that they might feel the same excitement we did without the grueling hardship. To those rooting for me, I'm sorry to let you down, but I'm more sorry that my case here is proof that when you need them, administration will let you down too. To the backstabbers, naysayers, and haters, you are small, insignificant little people. This is your life- you won't amount to more, and I feel sorry for you. You might think you've won, but you're no better than you were yesterday- you've only helped harm another. Maybe think about your actions and how it'll get you nowhere.

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