YESTERDAY VENDI ITEM IN MY STORE A 300M AND TODAY WHEN I PUT ME ONLY TO COLLECT ITEMS RETURNED THE VALE BONE CLOTHING AND SAY NO MONEY GAVE ME NOTHING KISE ASK A GM SAYING THERE A GM ONLINE AND IN A WHILE AND NOT SAY ANYTHING PLEASE ASK appeared BANNED A SOLUTION IGN: Sicariodark Last thing you did: wanted to ask what happened to my mesos? Why do you think you got banned?: I wanted to ask a GM what happened to my store Ban message when attempting to log in: speak bad words What GM banned you (optional):
You were banned for smegain'g "The gm is a son of a b---" in spanish. As for your meso, @Manny can you help translate?
Dime en espaƱol que es lo que paso con tus Items y tus Mesos. Spoiler Tell me in Spanish, what happened with your items, and your mesos.
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