ALL Your Character Names: (listing 1 IGN per account) Sylafia, BankOfSyl, LeapTime, SEDisconnect, GameCrashed, SyIafia, Amerys, Ameyrs, Ameris, Ameirs, Amarys, Amayrs, Eirvix, QuanticWave, Ifia, GachMule0001-0005, and 1 more that's just an ign mule, something like Girlboss with maybe i/L swapped Last thing you did: AFK in kerning when someone started dropping tons of items. I managed to pick up a 38 atk facestomper Why do you think you got banned?: Being too pro Ban message when attempting to log in: Go touch grass What GM banned you (optional): Gert, cause he watched my stream once Requesting self ban until the 13th at 0030 servertime. Gonna be on vacation with no computer so it's fine that I can't end the ban early