As the title says, it is possible to add an option to get rid of the damage WE deal (not monsters to us)? Why I want this: I don't need to see how much dmg I do, I got a pretty good idea. And If I use an apple I know I do more dmg, what does it matter how much more. It really kills the immersiveness to see a wall of dmg on content with a lot of people like Von Leon. And even in content with no other people, I just don't wanna see the dmg text. It can help see bosses mechanics. If you have any more ideas of why this is a good idea or why it's bad, please comment here. Again, this suggestion is to add the OPTION, just like with medals.
I agree there needs to be an option to not see other players damage lines at least, giving the option to choose who's damage we see can help in many ways.
We already have ~setting criticals, so I think this would potentially be a new ~setting damage [all/self/off]. It'd also be really nice for event bosses because at least for me, the lag isn't caused by all the players. It's caused by their damage.
Also they really need to make mob buffs visible on top of numbers, not behind. Seeing boss buffs, all of them, but especially reflect/cancel, is more important than seeing a bonfire of random numbers. They need to be static too, other buff icons will move the DR icon around as well, making it harder to track under all the numbers
Another point in favor - Events like this valentines boss or any other boss we need X amount of hits for the reward, if I could choose to see only my damage I can see if I'm hitting or not. Sometimes you try to stand as far away as possible but still hit but you don't know if you are hitting! with all the clutter of ~50 players damage lines who knows if you're just on the edge or a step too far to hit??