I'm looking at this thread https://royals.ms/forum/threads/my-damage-range-calculator.117899/ where mans literally has a 91 craven and pretty godly attack gear but barely has 5k range clean. Meanwhile I'm looking at the damage thread and not understanding how 5k range there is like bottom 30%. Is there some catch I missed in the screenshot?
The range in that screenshot doens't include maple warrior 20 and he's relatively low level at 157. He also doesn't have a cape or shoe added since it's 91 claw, 29 star, 15 shoe or cape, 20 glove
If you add a shoe and MW20 to that picture you can get like 6k range Then at level 190 instead of 157 you'd have like 7k at least, and at 200 you could even get 8k with the atk medal