character names: martybo bun7 i stopped playing for a year and came back to find out i cant log in it dcs my client after i enter my pic on 2 different accounts. after gonig through the trouble shotting on the forums i was told to try this and find out what is happening
things to point out! 1) try to download the img client and the wizet , try both 2) Check your internet connection 3) check the firefall and antivirus 4) check if in MapleRoyals properties, the compatibility box with the windows you are using is checked 5) Check if you have any other client from another server mixed with the royals client 6) check that you have directx9 or some windows driver installed (Note, I usually think there are some problems with win 8/11)
If you believe you might be MAC banned, you would need to submit a Ban Appeal