Intro: Guardian - Basically a 25% shifter for pally/hero wielding a shield. This skill is great, it benefit people using 1H weapon over 2H, to bridge the gap between 1H and 2H. (2H is way better due to weapon multiplier. Perf Claymore still wins Perf carabella + Perf Shield) With Guardian, your anti-knockback rate is 92.5% instead of 90% with stance. It also blocks the deadly 1/1 attack, which slightly increased the survivability. Problem: However, this skill will also push monsters if they touch you. It worked on boss monsters as well. Many problems arise because boss monsters are meant to be pinned, especially for Auf Haven. When pally got sed and walks to the right wall, this skill will actually push Auf Haven and unpin it and cause teamate's death. It also cause unnecessary taunt when the skill is activated. (For your info: If Auf haven is taunted during clone summon, it will cast DP non-stop). For HT, this skill will push wyverns when you climbing the rope, and attract them to fly up. This will slow the party DPS by alot. Last, Hero/Pally's skill points are very limited. You have to forgone MW/Heaven's Hammer/Monster Magnet/Enrage if you want to max Guardian. So this skill should be beneficial to the class. Solution: Eliminate the stun/push, just keep the block chance like shadow shifter. Make this an active skill. (can be toggle on/off), so you can use this skill when doing stationary bosses like HT.
The slash/stab ratio is the same for all swords no matter if 1h or 2h. Only axes, blunt weapons, and spears have a 1/3 ratio. I do agree with your first solution though. At LHC, Guardian is quite annoying. I like the stun/push, its niche. but it should be scaled differently from boss mobs or based on the mob's defense stat. This would greatly reduce the distance of pushing the bosses/tougher mobs. If its not possible, just remove the push. We have Rush for pushing, having an uncontrollable push is just a nuisance. And maybe make the stun work for bosses? Lol that might be too op though.
SMH. You just need to be pro and have perf 2 hand, perf 1 hand and perf shield, then just change your gear based on the boss you need... On topic. I like the second option. Either 25% avoid (which is OP) with penalty depending on the boss, or nothing at all.
Well.. that is too pricy for making a warrior, might as well just don't put points in Guardian XD. I think 25% of avoid is acceptable because the existance of this skill is just to increase your anti-knockback rate. There is no challenging boss that can kill warrior, even auf is pretty safe.
two other solutions: 3.just have it not work vs boss flagged mobs. i love the stun+push, its classic. for auf, dont stand on her if you have guardian. if you're facing left and block, shell be pushed left passively, this is usually good. if you get sed right and push her, it means you were already on top of her. this skill is a very tactical defensive skill and it changes the way you approach mobs, and defend yourself and your teammates passively w/o rush. for ht, if you bounce back a wyvern, it will also be stunned, so it wont immediately be a problem, and just communicate with your bs/teammates on bottom to snipe any stunned wyverns that float down. they're supposed to be wiped anyway. just jump off and kill the wyvern so nobody gets dispelled in accident, that's part of ht. 4: or remove the aggro from guardian. 5: both of these. although i really like the way it behaves, it gives you both a great defensive and control skill passively. you just have to learn to play around it. i maxed it before fully maxing stance on my paladin, very fun skill. of the first two, the toggle on/off would be my choice
Moving to closed, as there are considerations about this already in the most recent discussion on skill changes.