So on GMS you had item anvils which would take the appearance of one item and place it over the appearance of another. So for example you have a pair of Sky Skis equipped and you want it to look like a fairfrozen. You could "anvil" the fairfrozen appearance over the top of the sky skis and they would look like a Fairfrozen. Ive you hovered over the item it would show that the original item was sky skis and a fairfrozen skin was used. It would give so many useless items in the game a second chance to be used again. I personally would love to use the black level 40 thief hat ontop of my zhelm. Ive brought this up before and Matts mentioned its not possible on this version of Maple. I still think there has to be some middle ground that we can come up with to allow this system to exist. I'm not a programmer so i dont know the ins and outs of coding Maplestory code but I know enough of coders who've told me with enough willpower where theres always a way to make e a square peg fit in a round hole. I woulnt even mind if this was some sort of RP only system to justify the resources dumped into making it happen. I want it too though.
I think the middle ground is this post right here, untradable NX version of famous maple items. Like Owl Mask.
As much as I'd love it, I can't seem to find the cash items in game. Not sure if it's supported in v83 as well. But hypothetically lets say it's possible (because at this point, I don't know what else Kevin cannot do), it'd probably be the least prioritized features. I think we're more likely to see Pink Bean being released first.
But then the real items would be completely useless, chipping away a big part of the game ... Now there is still a reason to wear "normal" items, if you could just change the look there would be 0 justification to like 95% of all items in the game
Realistically? Pink Bean first because there's less to be done than fixing up Aran, if Matt were to ever change his mind on releasing Aran. So... PinkBeanSoonTM?
Going slightly off topic already but I think it will remain original. I think being HP-washed definitely helps, but there's always the reason why your party should have a DrK. For any further questions on the potential of Pink Bean, start a new thread please!