I don't know if this is intended or not but I just farmed for 9 hours and it slipped my mind to sell off my equips. I just want my bow or crafting mats back, maybe a red text about making sure your inv has slots, or if there was a way to cancel crafting if your inventory was full
You are just unlucky using a bow simulator has a 90% success rate while the other 10% destroys the item. No idea why it still crafted though
I've tried crafting in Leafre and crafting a Crimson Arclancer, and both NPC scripts function properly. In Leafre, since a weapon is consumed while crafting a dragon weapon, there does not need to be a check on the inventory space. Most likely it is as NANI1 said, where you used a stimulator and the item craft was unsuccessful. If you think there still may be a bug, please provide additional information such as what exactly you tried to craft and where. I will label this as not a bug for now.