The following characters have had these items removed: Spoiler Arrows - 22att Stormcaster Glove, 9int wooden wand Jaynie - 22att Facestompers OneLove - 8att Facestompers, 19att Brown Work Glove, 7att F/P SMC Angry Mask, Loft - 15att Ping Gaia Cape Valium - 17att Stormcaster Glove, 9int Grey Work Glove Anesthetise - 11int Glitter Glove AquariumPQ will be closed until futher notice to adjust the drops/level requirement and fix some exploits and glitches.
The items were too overpowered, and I'm glad to see they got removed. Even if they dropped normal items, such as a clean pair of SCG / Face stompers / etc, it would still be a worthwhile PQ as those items can range between 150~200m
Just curious as to the removal of our items, I understand that it gained unfair advantages to those that rec received them; however, were they not those of the owner's to give willingly... Its not like all the items were given to ONE player.
The items were too OP and should not have been available in the game. and you got them for free so it's not like you have lost anything.
I agree to the second statement, but what do you mean should not have been available...what if I scroll another 22 scg through whites and chaos..