Second ban appeal. Lying was worth a shot, too bad my English isn't good enough to keep up a good lie. Sorry about lying in the first place. Login Name: itzmiauws. Char that got me banned: Meows. Last thing you did: >Decided to make a second character. >There was still a rogue in my character menu. >Decide to play the rogue. >Didn't feel like leveling all the way up again. >Decided to edit wz files. >2.5x damage on double throw thingy, thought it wouldn't hurt too much. >Play, grind, get banned. Why do you think you got banned?: For doing too much damage. Ban message when attempting to log in: I promise it won't happen again. Could you GM's please unban me? I put so much time in my main character and I don't want to lose it. I'm sorry. Oh by the way: I was afk in that map for a long time. The guy was standing at the stairs when I came back. I decided to train at the other side of the map because he wasn't running around anyway. I see this as positive because then, all monsters won't stack at the other side where he isn't training, and he can get more kills. After 5 minutes, I didn't leave because of the soul purpose of "harassment". No, I saw he was becomming really, really, really butthurt so I thought I'd leave if it was bothering him that much.
You agreed to the terms and conditions when you signed up for the game. You have broken that agreement.