looking for offers. Accepting Ws: 500m Cs :500m B Coins Apr = 10m will consider attack gear as trades. Buyer covers tax. I reserve the right not to sell the items. items will be sold 24 hours after last bid
after consulting with 2 pros, mengqian and Skete man, spectrum goggles sb has been raised to 5b, A/W 6.5b. added 3 day selling time from last bid.
considering current apple prices that is 2.2B +104 concerto. sorry but i cannot accept 104 concerto as 800m or at all due to how hard it is to sell. especially since 105 is being sold for 900m and 103 for 400m.
csed and got +1 , i guess i got my trade up. closing thread till new items are added, sold concerto to Yaro for 3B in game