Reviving the idea of a fun medal awarded on completion of all Jump Quests and Jump-Quest like content in MapleRoyals. Show off your platforming skillset and prove you're not a quitter! The list of quests that could be included (potentially incomplete) are: -Zakum Jump Quest -John's Pink Flower Basket -John's Present -John's Last Present -Shumi's Lost Coin -Shumi's Lost Bundle of Money -Shumi's Lost Sack of Money -Sabitrama and the Diet Medicine -Sabitrama's Anti-Aging Medicine -The Missing Mechanical Parts -Pet Park -Utah's Pig Farm -Recurring Event JQs: Halloween Challenge, Witch's Tower, Gaga spaceship quest, etc ... -JQ portions of PQ's (Ellin PQ climbing stage, orbis PQ lever stage) -beat the CWK pillar maps Comment below if you can think of any other suitable quests/maps to include: Stats? literally don't matter, maybe some speed/jump to theme it appropriately Get our master sprite / icon editor to whip up a good medal as well Some previous discussion on this:
iirc Utah's Pig Farm isn't a JQ, more like a teleport maze. If we include teleport mazes then we should include the Shanghai centipede boss quest as well. Toad jump quest can be added.
Great idea, super cute logo Give the medal bonuses: prevent slipping effect 50-100 fame No AP or movement stats and it won't just be a meme medal for enthusiasts, ppl would actually wear it to do jqs, or even some bossing before you have a godly medal