Hello, my IGN is 1Way. I killed the Snowman with some other people yesterday, I have people ingame that can vouch for me. I recieved no present and I had 4x4 (16 total ETC slots free to recieve it after the kill).
You probably didn't get it related to 1 or more of the following reasons: 1. You did not get enough hits on snowman's 3rd body. 2. You had arrows in your inventory, causing you to throw arrows instead of snowball, which does not count towards the total number of hits (because you hit "miss") 3. You are a archer and were using mortal blow to attack the snowman (because you hit "miss")
I had arrows in my inventory and I noticed the arrows being "fired" or rather "Bullets" since I am a GunSlinger. But I checked the damage and I noticed that the snowman took 10 dmg(the same as the snowballs) so I didn't mind it. But had I known that it would've been the cause to render my work useless, I would've adapted. This seems more like a game bug instead of something that I should've known about.. I did hit alot so it probably wasn't that. 2. is the only thing making sense from the 3 options you know of.