Hello MapleRoyals! I've written a guide regarding Leveling. But since many things have changed in MapleRoyals, I Figured that I should make a newer version for our Current Version in the Game! This is a Short Guide Regarding How a Player will Cover forward towards lvl200. This Guide will include Leeching Areas.CPQ Leech is One of the newer and more efficient Methods to level up, But due to the low amount of sellers, Its difficult to make an arrangement. Mob Leech areas + level. 30-108+ Boss leech Level 135+ ~ 200 Lv 10-20 Bubbling Kerning City Subway: Line 1 <Area 1> Lv 20-25 Wild Boar Hidden Street: The Land of Wild Boar I Lv 25-30 Pink Teddy, Brown Teddy Ludibrium: Terrace Hall Lv 30-70 Gobies (Alternative) Aqua Road: Deep Sea Gorge II Spoiler: Goby leech guide? kinda? I'm sorry for the clickbait, but this might be wrong, I'll make adjustments to fix if there's errors soon, or if u guys really need I'll add video guides if its unclear. It isn't a alternative tbh. Its actually very OP. Its expensive yes, but if you are rich, you can basically ignore everything below until FTP. Big well done to whoever started this! How it works? Goby is a Level: 85 monster. Meaning to say for a lvl30 to gain exp is not possible unless the seller’s brawler/warrior is maxmium 5 level above with the buyer’s leeching character for it to gain exp. And obviously the seller’s brawler/warrior must be able to kill it efficiently. (If gear examples and setup are needed let me know in the comments below) Requirements Multi-clienting (Honestly you might need to be decent with this) x2 Characters operating at the same time 1x Brawler/Warrior 1x Bishop Buyer needs to be at max -5level below the Brawler/Warrior to gain exp. Yes i'm repeating this cause its impt. That's how goby leech works. (If buyer is level30, the brawler/warrior needs to be level35) (Even If buyer is level68, the brawler/warrior can still be level35) Accuracy for Brawler/Warrior to hit gobies Lvl35 : Acc 315 Lvl50 : Acc 252 Maple Pop, Stopper, Echo, MW20, SI or even Apple while selling this leech might/will be required. - Step 1. Bishop to destroy Bombing Fish House and it spawn gobies. Step 2. Bishop to lure the gobies to the Brawler/Warrior. Step 3. Brawler/Warrior kills the goby and buyer gets exp. Step 4. Repeat step 1 As the buyer You can't really afk too well compared other leech. Gobies do hit you for quite a good amount, there is also bonefish / bombing fish house that might 1 shot you. You have to recast magic guard and feed your pet. Additional Notes. You can buy per level leech now for a flat price. woohoo? Seriously make a brawler, bullet time + mastery and easy access to the weapon is just too OP. I almost necked myself finding and scrolling my maple sword. Idk when will this be hard nerfed like everything else but make full use of it while it lasts. RIP CPQ leech soontm Lv 30-36 Jr Wraiths Kerning Line 1 Area 2 Lv 36-41 Platoon Chronos Ludibrium: The Path of Time <1> Lv 41-43 Master Chronos Ludibrium: The Path of Time <4> Lv 43-51 Wraith Kerning City Subway: Line 1 <Area 4> Lv 51-53 Oly Oly & Dark Fission Malaysia: Muddy Banks 1 Lv 53-56 Neo Huroid Alcadno Research Institute: Lab - Area C-3 Lv 56-65 Rodeo Malaysia: Muddy Banks 2 Lv65-67 Windraiders Crimsonwood Keep: Tornado Corridor Lv 67-75 Froscola, Jester Scarlion Malaysia: Fantasy Theme Park 1 Lv 75-78 StormBreaker Crimsonwood Keep: Stormhall Lv 78-85 Harp, Blood Harp Leafre: Sky Nest II Lv 85-90 Berserkie, Veetron Singapore: Ulu Estate I Spoiler: Magic Required to 1Hit Genesis 20 : 1140 Genesis 30 : 1079 Meteor/Blizzard 30 : 860 Lv 90-105 Veetron, Slygie Singapore: Ulu Estate II Spoiler: Magic Required to 1Hit Genesis 20 : 1255 Genesis 30 : 1190 Meteor/Blizzard 30 : 919 Lv 105+ Petrifighter Singapore: Ulu City Center Spoiler: Magic Required to 1Hit Meteor/Blizzard 30 : 1260 Lv 108+ Skelegon, Skelosaurus Leafre: The Dragon Nest Left Behind Spoiler: Magic Required to 1Hit Genesis 30 : 1300 ----------------------------------------------------- Area Bosses Lv 105+ Bigfoot Phantom Forest Spoiler Phantom Forest: Forgotten Path Phantom Forest: Evil Rising Phantom Forest: The Evil Dead Phantom Forest: Twisted Paths 1 Phantom Forest: Twisted Paths 2 Phantom Forest: Twisted Paths 3 Phantom Forest: Twisted Paths 4 Phantom Forest: Twisted Paths 5 Lv 115+ Kacchuu Musha Zipangu: Castle Corridor [9] Lv 125+ Anego (Female Boss) Zipangu: Parlor ----------------------------------------------------- Bosses Lv 135+ Zakum Lv 135+ Krexel Spoiler Lv 140+ Vergamot Lv147+ Dunas Lv 155+ Horntail Lv 155+ Royal Guard Lv 165+ Core Blaze Lv 170+ The Boss Lv 175+ Castellan Toad Lv 175+ Auf Haven ---------------------------------------------------- A list super detailed made by Geyforlife here Special thanks! @Ivan Chavez @Wilio @Henray17
U need to be 78 to leech at sky nest 2. Spoiler: Edit Suggestion 75-78 on either stormbreaker/wolf spider
Fixed all images again. Should be Aite for now! Heard that Neo Tokyo can be a good 150-200 area. Information will be added SoonTM!
can you add this 8-10 job quests 11 till 26 bubblings kerning city subway line 1 <area 1> teddy 26 till 30 ludibrium terrace hall
This probably should include an acknowledgement to Geyforlife for compiling the leeching EXP information. The result of their exploration of the topic in 2017 is identical to this list... Before they looked into it, the Ghost Ship maps were still considered the superior maps to leech from levels 53-65. See the original thread and leech EXP data here.
made a video on how to get there. if ur friend is lower in level, u might want to consider finding a priest grinding buddy that can door you there time to time. Press W for your world map
is WR leech worth the travel just for two levels? Might as well stay at MB2 imo. Why no Wolf Spiders at lv75?
Worth! WR gives really decent exp. Compared to wolf spider, Stormbreakers map is compact and give overall better exp/h. Its easier to telecast for sellers too.
Hi @Jooon, thank you for the guide! Just wanted to clarify something - I've heard that self-leeching 2 characters rather than 1 might be more efficient, but can't find conclusive evidence of that. Would anyone happen to point me in the right direction for this? Thank you!
Hi wb yiks. Anyway back to the question at hand, leeching 2 chars at the same time is somewhat more efficient than leeching 1. I can't give you the exact formula and numbers but if for example you leech 2 characters with a bishop these 2 characters would get 7x-8x% of the exp a single character would.