IGN: JustBSing Problem: Lost Coded Communique for Lost in Translation 2 (CWKPQ prequest) Details: While doing other quests, I was collecting Paper notes types of etc items from monsters. After i finished this quest, I had extra of these notes, so I went to drop them, but accidentally dropped the Coded Communique instead. I tried forfeitting Lost in Translation 2, but the items was a reward from Lost in Translation 1, and so I can't get a second copy from restarting part 2. I realize this is my mistake for having dropped the item, but it seems it should be an easy fix to either somehow spawn a new items or to add a check at the beginning of part 2 to give a new quest item. This is my 3rd time posting this, the other 2 times got buried into the 2nd and 3rd pages with no reply. I read the rules that state quest resets can't be done, but I don't think this would require a quest reset; however, I would appreciate an answer if this is the only option rather than just being ignored.