Lv150+ content

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by Earphones, Nov 30, 2024.

  1. Earphones

    Earphones Member

    Sep 20, 2023
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    I have 3 characters: Bishop (150+), NL (150+, 10k hp 12k mp), Marksman (135, still has int and extra mp).

    When I was playing my NL I was sure that I want him to be my main, but then I got bored and opened the marksman.

    I need a little bit more than 2bil to reset my mp and int back to dex/str.

    So in the meantime, I have no idea what content to play, and how to gain more mesos to fund better equips and ap resets.

    All my characters are weak because the mesos that I'm making is going to fund ap resets.

    I usually play 1-2 hours a day, so I mostly zak and pap, daily voting, and praying for a ws in nlc gacha, but that's very boring.

    What can you guys recommend me? :)
  2. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    Its an awkward point in the game. Too low level to do really something meaningful but also leveling stops being free around lvl 150.

    In your list of daily activities i do not see Chao/Eph. You might need stoppers to get Eph down in time but imo thats worth the exp/nx. Add Krex to the list for masive exp and a chance on a good ring. Best thjng for Krex is to find a friend to daily duo it with and just alternate between nx and ring.

    Best thing to do for meso is spend it all on leveling up and get to ~170 asap.

    Reminder that you do not need to reset all your MM's mp to play the game. Before lvl 155 there is pretty much no content that needs you to have more hp anyway.

    If you're playing a game and not having fun. What the fuck are you doing?

    Some things to do for fun:
    You can start either the Quest or Card Medal grind. Card might be better on paper but the amount of potential Forum Likes you can farm with the Quest Medal makes it objectively better.
    Quest Medal is also a lot more fun to grind imo.

    If you insist on the far inferior Card Medal. Start with the respective Area Boss' Monster Card for a +Drop Chance buff for the area and grind away for that duration.

    About gacha, I generally stay away from shrine and nlc gacha as they are very inconsistent and very boring. All gacha's are good and personally don't notice any difference in meso per nx. Its more a matter of consistancy Sometimes you get 3 cs/ws in 105 tix, sometimes you go 500k nx dry. It's what you're signing up for when you go shrine/nlc.
    Atm I try to gach a(nother) RoA.
    Eikrem63, Joshy, Sylafia and 3 others like this.
  3. Earphones

    Earphones Member

    Sep 20, 2023
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    wow, thank you very much for your informative post :)

    In the list you don't see Chao/Eph because I'm too lazy walking there (even tho I have all buffs: se, hs+mw, door) but indeed I should approach them more.
    for the krex part - I just don't need a ring, and the nx is always poor. I prefer spending the time on zak to throw for nx or pray for cs.

    I'm a bit enjoying the game beacuse I keep having difficult goals: open and wash a nl, open and wash a marksman, but yesterday someone at krex told me I'm weak for my level, and I was thinking - indeed all my gear is noobish, maybe I should set a goal for having better eqs (while farming mesos for resetting the mm).

    I think I'm also bored and not bossing because the guild I was in (Purity) just got destroyed by some clown so I'll also aim for that too.
  4. McPew

    McPew Donator

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Dreaming in MS
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    For your NL, go and do LHC for totems and exp, shao (wulin yaosheng) once u have washed out to 12khp, find a guild and do GPQ for assassinate book to sell, neo tokyo questline for all your chars (up to dunas v1), apq for money, and CWK to get your perf MoN

    For your SE, krex and zak daily should suffice. NT if you want more exp.

    Good luck
    Earphones likes this.
  5. TakeItEasy

    TakeItEasy Donator

    Jul 28, 2015
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    idk how many runs of LHC are for below level 175 (for ranged) but maybe he can find from time to time. In general its probably not the best content for low level NLs.

    My advice would be to start working on HP on NL if you want to play it, so you can shao and soon horntail too.
    The easiest Money making you got for now is selling leech on BS if thats something you want to do.
    Earphones, Sylafia and McPew like this.

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