hello! i started playing with zero knollege about the HP washing mechanics and all the guides left me speechless as they are really confusing. so i just started playing and thought that all will work out but now im lvl 143 and i need more hp my questions are. 1. can i reach 19k hp? 2. if so what is the most efficient way? 3. i did some washing from mp to hp (about 50 apr) when i found out that i cannot boss right with 5.5k hp is this a good way even? or i made a big mistake? my current stats are: Marksman Lvl 143 HP:6554 MP:2987 STR:113 (79+34) PLANNED ON APRS DEX: 751(654+97) INT:30(4+26) LUK: same as int Range 3914~4788 Big thanks in advance to all the helpers <333
The most efficient way it to 19k is to start over but that is just in terms of efficiency. I say this because this will require you to put a lot of ability points into int and ruin your end game experience. My suggestion is, try reaching a more realistic goal (8-9k), because 19k in your lvl is pretty impossible. 8-9k will allow you to survive HT without the need for hb, and you will always be able to get a party thanks to your SE. Your goals for now should be getting a very good int gear and lvl up with it, while washing every lvl. I suggest u do the hp quest if you haven’t. Your minimum MP is 14x143+148=2150 And your current MP is 2987. Which means you have 837 spare mp to convert to hp, and if you do you will end up with around 7800Hp. If we add bfc, mon/http, belt and medal this is almost enough
as a ranged class you don't need 19k cause most of the hard hitting attacks won't hit you at all (like anego slap). i'd also recommend just like 8-9k like the other dude, and get some hp gear (small things like anniversary earring, event rings, dojo belt - they add up)
wow ty guys! i have some questions though should i wash every lvl? or just let it add up and wash it all at once (at lvl 155 let say for exmp). and i already started building up a bit of base int(aside of the int equips which i have +100 and i change every time before i lvl) which i plan on reset after my goal lvl (around 155) should i continue? its not harming my dmg so much as it stays good as it is and it gives me more mp every lvl if im not wrong. thanks again <3
Hi Elilio, Yes you should wash every level. Get some INT gear and before you level, equip them and get additional MP. For reference, I levelled with 40 base int. With some gears, I now level with 90-100 base int. I have 7.1k hp (BFC, medal, and earring included) at lv 126 with 600 mp remaining to be washed. I intend to stop at Lvl 135. I haven't done the HP quest which gives an additional +500 hp. My goal is 8k hp. You should continue washing.