Hey Royalers Here is just a small QOL improvement for the game in my mind. What do you think putting return town scroll and some other scrolls like kerning town, perion town scrolls on the keyboard. The advantage is that we can press a key on keyboard and save approximately 5 seconds looking for different types of town scrolls. Especially when you are moving multiple characters between towns. Sometimes we might take longer than 5 seconds to find Townscrolls when there are full of rubbish in your inventory. Can you think of any disadvantage that people might abuse this if it is implemented?
I always felt Coffee Milk should be able to do this as it is potion-like lol. Would be a neat feature for sure
What. Someone liked this post and led me to this thread. Then I found out it is accepted and has a For implementation title. Is it really a thing ? Or some error. As I’m too lazy to login to this game now.