If you are having issues keeping the MapleRoyals.exe or the setup from deleting itself because it thinks that it's a trojan or virus, then following this guide should help keep it from doing so. As I won't have the time and don't intend to install all possible kind of antivirus in the market, this guide only covers Windows Defender, although I will still include links to how to add exclusions for other antivirus. Spoiler: Windows 7, 8, & 8.1 In Windows 8 and 8.1, open Apps search using keyboard shortcut "Windows key + Q" (The windows key looks like this on your keyboard) Type "windows defender" into Search box and click the result. (Alternatively you can double click the windows defender icon in your hidden icons next to your clock on the bottom right, the icon should look something like this; ) You will open up windows defender & will want to go into the settings tab. (It will be the "tools" tab in Windows 7) Once in the settings tab, you will want to untick the box that says "Turn on real-time protection (recommended)" Now you download the MapleRoyals client from here. Then you go into your settings tab again & click "Excluded files and locations" and make the whole MapleRoyals folder an exception. You can now choose if you'd like to turn your Windows defender's real-time protection again by opening it back up & going to the settings tab once again & ticking "Turn on real-time protection (recommended)" back on. Spoiler: Windows 10 Open up windows defender by going to the tray next to your clock on the bottom right of your monitor & clicking the "^" showing your extra icons. You will find the windows defender icon that looks something like this; double click that icon & it should bring you into the Windows Defender program. Click on the little shield on the left side that is underneath the House button & above the heart button. Scroll down until you see "Virus & threat protection settings" click that & then you should see "Real-time protection" tick that to the off position. (do not exit out of this you will need to be here after the next few steps.) Now download the game here. Now from the "Virus & threat protection settings" tab, you will need to scroll down & find the "Exclusions" section, click "Add or remove exclusions." Once you get there, click the + sign next to "Add an exclusion" & select "Folder" You will need to find the MapleRoyals folder from there. The standard path is typically your C: drive --> Program Files (x86) --> MapleRoyals. You can then turn your Real-time protection back on if you'd like & your MapleRoyals files should stay where they are from now on & safe from Windows Defender. Spoiler: Avast https://support.avast.com/en-us/article/168/ Spoiler: Norton https://www.lifewire.com/exclude-files-from-norton-antivirus-scans-153348 In general (or rather based on personal experience), if you're running on Windows 10, there is actually no need to install any other commercial antivirus, as the built-in Windows Defender is already good enough (that doesn't mean you shouldn't surf the internet responsibly!). But if you think that's not enough, by all means install your favorite antivirus or anti-malware software!
Players with other antivirus other than Windows Defender, do feel free to contribute to this thread. Thank you!
I love you. You save my life (not really, but you know lol). I've been searching everywhere for a solution and got confusing results, until I found your thread! Thank You! It was clear and straight forward with helpful pictures!! <3 <3
I use Symantec anti virus and I noticed as I was installing MapleRoyals it scans and then blocks a file that is named "Heuristic"or something like that. The name I cant remember specifically, but during your install a pop up will show this file being quarantined and I'm stuck having to open up and exclude the file from the scan. If you know your way around Symantec you should be able to open up the log that lists all of the things your computer has quarantined and that should list the exact item that is being blocked from the Royals install. The list will also probably be comprised of about 90% MapleRoyals related stuff funnily enough When I get home Ill look up the name myself and post here to let Symantec users know.
The tab you have up there for Norton i believe will also apply to Symantec since they are the same company. The tab helps but Unfortunately wont completely exclude the Royals install from being nuked in many cases. I excluded both my Royals AND entire Downloads folder and it still nukes stuff it doesnt like. Im pretty sure theres going to be some level of hands on awareness that will need to be applied when installing Royals. Ill figure it out when i get home
That is because you are running scans which obviously increases hard disk access. You need to follow my steps as stated to make it work!
Unfortunately that is caused by the antivirus running scans. You will need to search for a solution yourself as I'm not entirely sure what is the cause.