Hi, so I'm not really sure where to post this and I think its worth reviewing. Now, this is going to be a little bit of a rant but i genuinely am interested in the response from the GMs and community as well. So I've been playing this game for a while now and it seems that the 70% rate associated with skill-books isn't actually 70%. When I first made my bishop and had to get Genesis 20 I failed that skill book 4 times and at the time the in game price was 800-900m per book. So that means I ended up spending anywhere between 4-4.5b on genesis 20 mind you. The event probability of failing 4 70% skill books in a row is .3 x .3 x .3 x .3 = .0087 so a less than 1% chance of that happening. It's a game and you get unlucky so you accept it and move on. But this next experience really has me bothered. Now I've leveled up and its time to get Maple Warrior 20 so I try my luck once again. I have now officially failed MW20 3 times. The event probability of that occurring is .3 x .3 x .3= 0.027. So that means a 2.7% chance that I would fail the skill book 3 consecutive times. Now Maple Warrior 20 as you guys must know is a little bit more expensive about 1.8-2b each. So I spent another 5.6-6b on this. This one is a little tougher to swallow because as much as I love this game that makes me want to quit. The game says there is a 70% chance of passing a skill book but to be honest it really doesn't feel like it. I've spoken to multiple people from my guild and alliance on my latest disappointment and all have mentioned that MW20 truly doesn't feel like it's a 70% success rate. Honestly, I just wanted to rant a little bit and also ask that you review the formula for skill books because if it really truly isn't 70% then it should say so, so people don't spend hours playing this game and wasting hard earned mesos on things with a much lower chance of success (P.S that would also lower the price of the book and make it more accessible for many new players), I mean if i had known that it would have a 50% chance or less of working I probably would have spent the money on something more tangible like better gear instead of something that goes poof. I know I can't be the only one in the community with these concerns regarding skill books, so if you could please review them and respond maybe we can start a dialogue into how to change things. Also, I just want to know if I happen to be one of the unluckiest players or is there something wrong with the formula because come on 4x gene 20 and now 3x mw20 fail and without using any other skill books in between something seems broken. Anyways thank you if you made it through to the end, Happy Hollidays to everyone.
I'm probably just on the lucky side - I passed 3/3 MW20s on the first try and 2/2 Gen20s. It did take me 4 TT30s though. Edit: 100% not trying to flex in any way, just sharing my personal experience.
Just wanted to chime in and say that I'm pretty sure I never failed a single mastery book on this character.
well, here is my experience: gen20 first try gen30 first try mw20 first try which leads to the fact that I got very lucky, now, I recorded some of the mastery books I used on my mules, I am not going to name them all because that is going to be too long, se20 5 tries se30 1 try again leads to the fact that I got very lucky just in the opposite way, personally, I was very very scared of this system, every time I decided to go and buy one of the big mastery books, I feared I am going to enter a never-ending loop, once I passed them I obviously was relieved but I still do not like the system, my opinion is that it's too harsh and too hard for someone trying to start making his bishop, while the other mages can comfortably reach level 155 and one hit petris even without mw20. anyway, my point is, I do not think its false odds, because I have simply seen it go both ways enough times to believe that it is accurate, take for example a player that got 4/4 10% scrolls landed in a row, it has way fewer odds to happen but it still did, remember that always in the other hand there will be someone with a video of himself failing 50 10% scrolls in a row(i did too).