Hello! Many players shared with me that these compatibility settings to be set to windows XP (service Pack 2)/(Service Pack 3) but recently many players seems to adviced and discussed to me about using windows 7 is a much better option. Which is a better option of an compatibility, for a smooth Gameplay for mapleroyals. Especially for a long duration Horntail Run.
I usually run without compatibility settings on (i have windows 10), but when I do switch to having it on, I go with windows 7. I honestly don't see a difference between the different options for compatibility mode, but that's just my experience.
I started running with windows xp (Service pack 3) compatibility because I encountered the freezing bug. Since making that switch I have had no issues whatsoever!
I know this is in 2018 but idc. Thank you for posting this, I just changed my compatibility settings to windows xp service pack 3, and I do not get the freezing bug anymore. My client would only freeze when I would minimize MS from fullscreen, and basically couldn't multi-client