This is an issue that I have experienced several times. I'm at Road to Oblivion hunting for Lyka. I get to an empty channel (no other character is present), I kill mobs, and a Lyka spawns from my killing the mobs. When I am halfway through killing the Lyka, another person, (I'll name them User X) arrives at the map. Turns out User X still has mapownership from when they were previously scouting the channel before I had arrived. User X uses mapownership command and tells me to cc. So I cc. I don't do this. If I'm scouting channels and if I find a Lyka being killed in a map that I may have owned in the past 3 minutes, I don't check the ownership and I don't bother them. I just leave. If they spawned it, it's their kill. That's my opinion. I understand that technically, User X has the map and it's their kill. But it doesn't sit right with me because I feel like it's using the mapowner tool in a way that it wasn't designed for (that is, taking control of multiple maps with one character). Just wanted to put it out there. Do I have an actual point here, or am I just salty?
This issue was addressed many times in the past and the best solution so far was to erase the ownership of the previous map when the current owner acquires the ownership of a new map/ch. However, this also eliminates one of the few ways to effectively trace hackers after they auto cc/dc. Unless a novel method is introduced, this will probably only get addressed after the autoban.
Just realized the poll is very poorly worded. I should’ve made it more like: Op. 1: People should not be allowed to use Mapowner in this way Op. 2: People should be allowed to use Mapowner in this way
There are alot of things people should and shouldn't do in game or irl. It really depends on one's moral standard. I don't think we should nitpick on every single thing. If he or she decided to do that, you could request for a party? Else if you wanna share in the blacklist is also fine.
Are there seriously people still trying to hold multiple maps for themselves? I thought lyka didn't have anything important to drop anymore.
Jut have @mapowner show “current map owner: nosebleed // former map owner: bleednose” and be limited to only showing the person who last owned it within say a 60-120 second timeframe since that’s all one would need when tracking a hacker/botter.
I actually had this pulled on me in Big Foot recently too. They had mapowner on a few twisted channels and when I found one I waited for mapowner to die out but they cycled back to it and got the BF
this makes sense, it is a very important thing to be able to have a tool that gives you a chance to trace the hackers but you can improve this system without sacrificing any of the current benefits that it gives, how about, just adding a new command ~takeownership, that you can use ONLY if the previous map owner has left the map or the channel and if you are in the map for at least 1 minute, this way you get both the options to commit to a map and take it when no one is there while still being able to grab the hackers name before taking the ownership to yourself hackers would need to place 20 mules for all 20 different channels in order to bypass this which by the way they could even do now in order to bypass the current system, but they do not and will not, simply because its an unreliable time investment. i might just be wrong but based on my experience i do not see how this can be abused while it is being a very simple solution, if i am missing something here, i would be more then glad to learn.
This would drastically shift the meta in which mages regularly use Mystic Door to sell items during long farm or leech sessions. I think the only thing that should relinquish map ownership should be changing channels, and if it is possible for your suggested ~takeownership command to only work in such scenarios that may be better. But I can honestly also see this leading to some galaxy brain hacking techniques in which the main hacker would farm the map and change channels whenever a player showed up, with a side hacker on the same map that is programmed to immediately use ~takeownership while the main hacker changes channels.
Hackers wouldn’t be able to use it this way, because like I said you have to be on the map for a full minute after the previous owner left in order for you to be able to use the command, even then, even if they would find some way to abuse this system they would not invest time in it, their whole philosophy is about saving time and making money, they simply wouldn’t care which is the same reason they are not abusing the current system which could be easily done if you place mules in all channels before entering a map, About the leech sellers, I am a bs main my self and I sell 4 hours of leech a day, based on my experience it takes average of 2 or less minutes to sell at npc, even if some one visits the map while you are gone they always leave because they see your buyers on the rope, it never happened to me before that some one tried to take a map while I npc but maybe it’s because the current system prevents it, I am not entirely sure if people will be that rude to take a map while seeing drops That weren’t taken and 2 buyers sitting on a rope, not to mention that u can ask your buyers to take ownership, even tho this probably not a great solution because half the time buyers just afk, but a perfect solution would be using your HS mule if you are an arch mage, and if you are a bs, you could simply just put one of your low level chars in the map to protect it while you go npc, Bottom line this is just my opinion based on my experience, I really hope this might be of help that could lead for a healthier change, because as of now taking ownership of multiple maps/ channels, is way worse then any risk stated above.
I personally think that it's fair game to do this as this is technically just going to be a question of whether or not the person is able to keep track of the map ownership timings for each channel. I do it myself for bigfoot maps - I change channels and go through all of them before I start killing and I keep track of the channels where there is a bigfoot. I just use my bishop to change channels and keep map ownership while my hero/bm kills the bigfoot on one channel before moving to another. If I end up losing map ownership to someone because I am a few seconds late or whatever, I'd just move on and let them have it. If anyone PMs me and asks me nicely whether they could have the map, I'd definitely share some of my maps with them if I have multiple maps to myself. I have done this many times before and will continue doing so because I don't see anything wrong with this. My question is what's wrong with keeping track of channels where there is a boss when you intend to farm them for exp or NX? It's not like manon map hoarding where the area boss is actually needed for quest completion. I think it's selfish to hoard Lyka maps since the only good thing you can get from it is NX and it no longer drops CS, and people need Lyka kills for quest completion. Therefore, I think being able to keep map ownership of multiple channels should be maintained but it really does speak volumes about the people who hoard the maps just for the sake of it when there are little to no benefits to killing the area boss.
unfortunately i do not agree with you, first of all what you are saying is that people should not be holding maps for the sake of it unless its for a great, worth, own benefit, "good benefit" means different to each person, one person would see lyka nx as a great benefit and one would not, in a case where one doesnt have the damage or the time to kill a bf he would very appreciate a quick 5k nx from lyka , i agree with the fact that its not right and not fair for the people that are trying to finish their quests but thats how the game was designed and there is nothing to do about it, the true problem in my eyes is that people are holding multiple maps/channels at the same time minimizing the availability of bosses for players that are weaker then them or just dont use the same technique they do, also decreasing the options of making money for high precentage of our community just because some 5% of us who are strong scan channels and hold maps every day for some quick nx while those 5% could do more money at ht or cwkpq they take away the chance for the weaker side of the bracket to take advantage of good xp/nx making options, i know so many levels 130 coming to me, ron what should i do to level and make money, i always say bigfoot but sometimes u go there and everything is just gone, because some nl came and wiped them all in 1 hour, ofcourse it depends and some times u can get lucky with many bigfoots but it will never be consistent due to the fact that it is hunted too much, and controlled by strong players like in the way like i explained above. dont get me wrong if you worked hard at a game to get stronger then other you SHOULD have the benefit to pick up more nx and to kill more bosses then the ones that didnt work as hard as you and are not as strong as you, but you get that benefit by killing the boss faster, and by having a mule or a friend hs, you SHOULDNT get that benefit by abusing in game mechanic to hold maps to yourself selfishly denying so many other people, you may be a good person and allow other to take a map you own, but 80% that are doing what you are doing wouldnt give up a map, i can tell you that from experience.
Sorry but I still don't think that this is considered to be an abuse of the game mechanics. As you've stated, stronger players are entitled to reap the rewards of their hard work (speaking very loosely here, not even going to talk about RWTers because that's another story). I've also mentioned in my post that I think this just boils down to whether or not someone is able to keep track of the timings of their maps and if they can do that then so be it. You have also stated that this is how the game was designed and there's nothing we can do about it. Nothing in the T&C says that we cannot hold multiple maps and until it does, people are free to do as they please. Who's to say that people who hoard bigfoot maps aren't genuinely trying to level themselves and are just taking advantage of the fact that they got so lucky to have found so many of them in the same map? I hardly ever get to find bigfoot myself and I am currently trying to level my characters - so are you trying to say that I'm 'abusing the system' and 'denying others of the chance of getting good exp and/or nx'? Everyone complains about not being able to find x, y and z bosses, especially when it comes to the whole issue about looking for bigfoot to level but all I have to say about that is just try again at another time. Bigfoot is fast exp for everyone so it's really a bonus if anyone ever finds one to kill but there are also other ways to level. My issue here is with people who hoard maps where it is required to kill the area boss for quest completion because that's just not being very nice but then again, it doesn't go against the game's T&C so there's no 'abuse' going on here.
if you believe it is okay to keep multiple maps to yourself just because it is not against the t&c that is yours, i do not agree with that and many others dont hence why the vote in this thread looks like it does, and i never said anything about it not being okay to come and level your charcters, but holding multiple maps for your own wether it is in order to achieve xp or nx is not something that is helping the health of the server and you can not deny it, it comes down to the fact that other players have way less growth options because of this, it is simple.
What does this even have to do with the health of the server? Yes it's true that other players have less growth options because of this but it doesn't mean that they can't grow at all. Even so, as I stated in my earlier reply, finding these bosses which give high exp is meant to be some sort of a 'bonus' rather than something that is 'as of right' and there are so many other ways to gain exp. I don't think you're even seeing my point here but let's just leave it at that. I've given my two cents on this topic and that's all I came to do.
it has to do with the fact that the people with power gain extra power for using ~mapowner, and players with less power become even weaker, it would have been more balanced if there wasn't an option to hold multiple maps at the same time because then strong players still do have an advantage regardless because they kill the boss fast and they also have multiple accounts, again there should be an advantage but to a certain extent, anyway we have a different opinions on this matter which is fine, i just say how i feel and i am sorry if i pushed too hard on you